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W?d Mire?ia' .^?iav e Taore ? Sg9i?6a^^s^,sr{3S?K?. \ .Jhe ;&oyernmont of the ? city.:
V^Jfr?w4.	''??	?'*& >
,r*	1	'	??'M~ in: 'TOcl&fi'Jjeven
. . .	fv?r
Spring seems to be hesita-tiDg in its adra&ce. ?V Tho closing days of;;Apriifwere warm?and summer-like, but May wal'ushercdin wilb. ^ cool winds from Vit* Northeast, and "now it appears we are" to have another .March'TKith ; alt the fok)eness which inarks? that iokle month.	?:.J;?,	.	>
Ordinance No.lfl
fe JLn Ordinance to prevent NuisanSfs'vp^the ?^? 'Bank'and for other purpo3es^7***$^.v
?r -^. Section l t It f is^orfaiaetj^ by? the J3oard_of Mayor^n(f^l3eraiQtPwite
icSj&limfeasan' _____
special and
leriTO^^^Sa?iS3rii^&^ep?' suet as
rtieifc$6^u3SBr; specjaCmee ti ng'm^tiie month of; Januaijj or as^'soon tfifereaf-; ter is ?practicable, in'each* andVevery; jj&? year/j)rovideiand make all the neceV^isiit sary "arrangements for-repairing the roads aDd bridges, either by eeliing and by contract or otherwise ; or for furnishing all materials' necessary for the repays of l6aid toads and bridges, either bj^coiitraet tor otherwise, either id'section^;or?inCwhole, as to them
majrieem. ?advisaMe for the time be-'
Icatigng.	_
r and. foiTngbf grafl2;8tjcuruj?r
the amount'- reserving to-Cnemse!
tn'all cases the rightjtoacce ?
iect aav or all bids" aC - ... _-^ cumstances, either_for
h igfcor, the sgimtlty; j
??p3uc. .ponm
BeeJ','%'? pound.. .-,.^. SirTTER, W pound.. .. Beeswax, ^ pound---Cow'-feas, ^ bushel:-'. Chajicoal, ^ barrel-? CoBKMEAt, bushel: - i*
Cabbage, head.........JS
CarcjtBxs, V doien ??.???/
CllAES'j^f, doizeu	rJ
...	.|?V
Jclr^iSpSP pound
~	i*2S	?-	-....
Ic^cWn^St ' laSToftiN&yjj*^
Ifracfi^nil' ^ ectioh/':^^To^nshi p I W?st,Trvth' .?a.U^?tfi'e^im^royemento
I tenanccs thereunto belonging anc I ihg>? .!0^iT>*roba^ror.'pur^ha:
| lands will beiequitod togitebon | &nd sufficient seeurity for the pay
] .sums of money for wbich the said I b^'?trudkoff. ii six^onthVfrom
l^leasantfand J ican'he 'found ar|5
imrfof said-city. Sunlier ordained, That ;,^^nh^?fi'8^^o'w-. standing between said -3?XiH>nt'ToacCf or street','and the sea shall be'T^airodf'but stand Without repairs (unle6? by special pormission^n writ-?.jE- ing from the Board of the Mayor and "'Aldermen of said city) until being unsafe for occupation, may be de-< ' clared a. nuisance and removed as "'such.
' Slc. 3. It is further ordained, That if any person, or persons iu violation ??'? of the seoond section ot ibis oidi; v,. nance, 6hould, without a permit from the Board of the Mayor and Alder-
i^'r '%*'? - -	*	.
Jars"; for eac-the'cos^ofSS^S^
- Passed and'approved tEe^^lst^f; December,' A? D. 1868:7^^?^.
. 'J- H. JN'icBoiSo^Maj F. Heiderhoff, Secretaryl1'^* l ':?:
Ordiuance No.	^	?'
An Ordinance to px;eT?nt the Tearing up of Advertisements Posted XJp-. .-1\
Whereas. Some? mischievous persons are frequently in the habit of tearing up advertisements posted up in the eity of Sbieldsborough, thereby defeating the object for which they
equi aav f SI 3 ?L
were posted up ; to. Temedy and prevent this evil practice, tberefore.;?jj;i^ Section 1. It is ordained- by the
( :: '
?? ' .?	k.!	?
-r --.aSvvx-r
' H'cxtcil I?r
?. At pricesl Jow? thh ' rates. Satisfacti gf attention paidj^t* >n pl aoos.
_________ erally |
turned to bis old stand, on ] ftne^iliisonic -I^dge/'and he ii oute work in the above lin and/dispatoh. He has beed branoh of business for man^'yeiCrT fully thanking his numerous friend patronage, be solicits a continuan
gamei^&Ocr*- .
References i' ^ -V . NEW QKLEA.K8 :	...	.	8HIELI
Thomas Munrayii-.j^ . Capt. Jno. Henry R. Swascy^^i

Favre, Simon 一document-12
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Hancock County Historical Society
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