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Stare of Mississippi Hancock County. On this 30th day of September AD 1853 personally appeared before Tie ' "ice of the Peace in and for said county Mrs. Naomi Lei ^ _jow iady, aged sixty-two years, who being first duly 5w tOrAOui I ^ v ?*- <3r? osetn and saith that she has been acquainted with Mrs. Re: 2 r Ety yajrs, that hisr nams was Rebecca 3racev ? th -<A-2wJ Kzbecco/ilaurt-SOtjrs 3ecrge H. Nixcr. ir. Sumpter district?South Carolina in 5g 03 az 5 n-~ ac th'=: wedding but she knew of its happening, and of .'2) t r \ were present at it; the place where it was celebrated wa Uuu . y from her fathers residence where she then resided. That deponent has always, with the exception of two or three years, been a neighbor to Mrs. Nixon, and during his lire time, of her husband, the said Nixon, Gecrge K., since the day of their marriage. Deponent further states that the said Gecrce H. Nixon entered the service as a Colonel in the army called out by the authorities cl the Mississippi Territory sometiine in the year 1813, to aid the United Stacks in the war of 1812 against Great Britain. That when said Nixon entered into said service he was, according to deponents best judgement, in perfect health. That said Nixon, this family and this deponents other family were then the near neighbors to each other in the county of Marion in said State. Deponent further states that some months after Col. Nixon had been out in said service his wife received letters from him informing her of his great, exposures ar.d hardships which he had to endure in the performance of his duties in the wilderne.55 where h- ationed and making marches; and that it had caused him a_____ ' r which he had not exoected to recover; and that he had but t a. Lein--:: able to reach his home again; that Hr. Nixon received several _etters of this purport, one of which deponent recollects contained the remark that "his healr.h was gone, that he should never be a well man again." Th^tl Mr?. Nixon also r?revived J. ^ ti ? it .f iron'.*lus!L* i.r: z.h.r^ 2rvc'.y, H'Sir friend.-, informing her of the dangerous situation of her husband in regard to his heaith--all of which letters were read to this deponent by Mrs. Mixon at the time of their receipt. Deponent further states that when Col. Nixon returned home from the service in 1815, he was in miserable health?being very much reduced in riesh, ar.d r.avmg a settled and mcst distressing cough which continued to afflict and wear upon him to the day of his death in the year 1824. Deponent further states tnat she believes the sickness or disease which Col. Nixon contracted while in the army as atcresaid, and in the performance of the arduous duties thereof as enumerated and described in his letters aforesaid to his wife, was the mam--the superinducing cause of his death. Deponent further states that the said Rebecca Nixon is now a widow and has always remained a widow since the death of her husband, the said George H. Nixon. Deponent further adds that Col. Nixon died in the town of Pearlington in the County of Hancock in August 1324. Deponent 5 tamily and said Nixon family removed from Marion County to said town in the year 1821 and were near neighbors, and dept * of paying frequent visits to the said Nixon during hi / - , yfj , and having also lived near neighbors in Marion since 1 /??.*!&s LM, - ( ^ j trace the progress of the disease contracted by th (tl U).':?/>?*/-> tid from the day of his return from said service to that oi - further states that she is a disinterested witness ? tent Sworn to and subscribed before me this the day abc certify that the said Naomi Lenoir is a credible > >y Chas. A. Folsom, J. Peace
Nixon Naomi-lenion-widow-lady-1853-knew-Rebecca-Nixon-about-50-years