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ton e&x33'zsy ??.. ' ? ?? *-i'; : m3 : '-. -. i ?cC.2S, kace;>Jih tba V/ar, the c?3* ?wJJlicport.-fci' lax' dtIj^zsS JH??3 OS7TC3,} - PeS."r.TISC3.r: s. j. c. ch^a. ~J3, ?H'J Eillop ' rs, will report a.P.UUrpan,. or datj. By at CczcxaL < it?s Ofticb, J eb. I6.1SG3. f .Geo. Tccker, iort in person, llmaa,, Uni ted r duty, ipaay A, 13tb rt" iu poracn,-Imaa, Ucjtbd *? ? ? nftJaaera CDs-dypictl ;b 17.1SS3 (owing nad;? jr. detailed f 3aty to*13^ low York: taiao? a Artille fftinft. faltery;??~ iae. .. V" 3 Artillery. . S. Artillery. valry. ntry. ~ ? r.Y, ttery. lN. Y. toss. 18. ? 1st ilass. ?t.OSAi HEWS,: . \ Visxrrm' Tnztrr?..?'lis 57ilsd Cissa s!21 Vs!sj? spaa -tt? t'rsi'iLCl-tis HailsSZcs, uLlccr.V^sj;'? ma 8S*a 'ZZzzisy cJgit* ?*? ?c ?ret:&?ibjsr.j .\s21 gl73 pUca 2a* {JIsSiGaa?fl. !7q twp?,| 5'j cs? csjtbli cJijprc Jis.t&s'&a tccss^jfcf *4~* . fe2a3 tc csc ?isEs?&2:?i: zsjs^I:... Stita .Eciretc fa a* Ciaa ?e^^^7vay;?iag^^^^^s^. ta Thedas.-?--.j -? Dgi?t Jt7~fr'lhs._ Glzi-izza?a bcz:ll,c2i tbit cba piny a. liscdlaar We Ta7b'^TE5^'D3rarf3Tfcst, tn 23xa..GVs2itaa2i3.th3pcb!':3tcf ttea&l]. Ilihclia B tbs ?i=s nlsbt kviby, ?? pt^io ls5 3^-?^ pa Tils la q literacy fat r^cly cttcaptcd by ZH.225ZZ3 ; bcS'did'tbcy cat txro ilrs. Glaiaicao tzl ars. DiiiS S> tick eftcr-ttri? tzi~zz%^i cicsld Zzzx ssr tiarcjatiiisa cj tbs tsttxia. j I Htj. GiAEETAia?a E^e?iT.--T3iB Hca.Ortssrrcsd Cirrolltsa'T~2zzz& CoEpnny ,t?1U ten tn cstra tiola of cira. CTtr'tba rpd oa ibo .fc~c;a[2;j of Lira. GI^A-, ctrra?s fcsscfit, to Icira TlvcU Sirsl3 c?{sr th3 psr-izzzzizza c? tbs tbeiter tre ccic!a5cd. H'arrs-cm will ta to wcilirj ca' 'tba ccicc? of E^tCsls usfl -5ra7itr .rirccta, to- ccsroy prjssrrjra frso cf ebe iaiL 93. t Moss, lasii. 1st U&33. '.?53. >. Mass. i Mass. JS, S3. Mass. th Mass. 13th Mass. AS3. Fc:.tjul3___T7o czy tire 3 cssi?-cra ca CzzHzj..'. Tbo C.*st wis tl;t cl Iba laia Hr. Jclia'O?Cries, ft veil fcsona cad ^crtij cltLrca, %?fco b:s np:ut*tb0 bc^tpoi-thn-Cr-LL?i-Ii.'o la Hs? XI:lciss css-scd 2s 6Cti~o bcs'xssi. Sa wm a koo3 cH'zsn whila Uvlsg;, eild a beat of Lis warn fr!e&ui turned oat ;to pay tho li3 cid trjbiio cf rcspsct to. t!a restiaa. Its tjMjral cris tox tb# cbaroh ol tba Issacalata Co^ceptica, cad was largoly tttcndsd "by citl;;ns of ell cbissta, aud by tha CJphia p-.jiaau, ?oii'eb dtuicg Ufa to t;l tca!o^C:d. Tbcxo wczo Glty csirlsscs la tttsE?aiscc, neatly filled cStb h.dlzs. =a^^~aigg5II5B ?-Miy .naa.XjJJoiyc4 Solttdtcab by abrg preccxSca cf tla fcrcit;* Crcssa cf-Oolas:b:a Uo. 6 otbar coa piaica. Ha Is reprcccatcd to hara fcesn a very worthy Cia, wm u^ch rc;:psct?d by Un, ccd t!a c^ddca dcitb !a ficspJy rcsrctc'J by til vb3 iLew h?a, IUj fc?sraj.cb:?fia!c3 c:ra tttcsdei r?l!.b tb9 ncail pan:? cf fircrren?o fennrab, ccaij, playl^s tbo dead Kerch, tsd ti3Ecra draped ia mccrala^. Sho tblrd traa fha funeral proceE?.lsa tiat follorcd tbo rcnainn ct Uczza EtIg?, tbo old frco colorad ciaa T?bo dlad eo raddenly ct tba Bt. Jca:? Hospital. IIo, too, hid o boat cf friesds cncsg bla own claeo, and bia rciala3 wcroToilotvcd to tb:lr lcrjy:?cr?-fey o Ieastb* cncd lira of .calcrcd cca, wcraen end cblldrsa, &U caatly dree;3d la black, and vjearlajj tbo badges of ecrco benevolent association?of vhiob tbcre aio qnlta a naabcr for varlocn psrpests caosjt tbc black papa-latloa cf tba clty.Jbotb frcp and cbTO. Tub Piudos Investioatioj! ?Ihe JBody cf Sauduc Exhuntd?L'o -fVoundb Found on tkt BoH'j.?Coroner Eisieb, acaotapanlad by Dr. Hire, tbo City Pbyslalan, and Dra. Etone and Ebnpport, on Bondsy procaedcd to tba graveyard and ozbnmed tns body of L!snt. Baadno. After a carcfol cxcainatlon, cot a elngls wound vaa found ca tba body, aa described In tbo prcccs verbal of tbo inquest 6013*13 Pontchstcnls. T&sro were no ttibbed. or othqr wounds, and tbo Carocer?a Jury of Poctebatoala, awem'ta dleoovcr when, wbira, and ss^taJiyj^ Cj2xicna???a 'onrcj ibo msstirg df.tbs Ttli-ir^-eatirorx ?tio ^bctjxcis colt fcl tbstrneetlnff, end*C3 lbrm wlsa*, tif-m: pirt la eay pelw?^ ^jtbtHBs.^ ^tsoai '/ ~' l ' ?.; \ t * Ercoao UisftjjT.?Tba ,ocly, mew- la? tba &s>;sd S^Zatrtst ycstaday?Trtleb la'fcewalaga modal-viitriat fc? nsra^ty and proprbty?Taa tbat cf a cccp!*of f2=al?3, caaad Citbatej-Ccnasr tad Loalsi Dlrlo, X?fl?bllas?i^d.i!2tois>j5. tba^peaw, ca DaijMSa tC^eet. _? . ' - ; - ? ''ff&fe/Ei?n Court l&e&QTth.** - 0. 8. ?>ovl*!aBal Caaxt-Uca. a.nuiccT._ _ " ,S. Gacpl ?rss. ?mi.7ned bcfcra this ccurt, fc!s caw tiTljj baea trs^cmd iron tba Prenrew Coart, ca a ^bargaof forglaiy tba easoc 1 Colonel Holablrd.tbe QaciffiTcasur-oSKral.'ta-fiacrder.oa.tbo Eaai of tJjsraorc#. . So was, cn nation al fcu eoaasai, Ur. Sar?X.t, e3mittod to bail ia tbe ura of ?50C0. Ebs taraa ?>f tba- tcccsed was OTcagly gtrca Ossa, 1b tba oriels# edition?oar only ezcusa for vblcb t?, tbit ii eonaicd l&a Gaaa, and ^a taportcd It pbcaogttpbi-cally.-' ;Ur.E?Lib^ ptessctsd a pstltion oa bshalf cf tbaCip* andefcisra-of ^bc^cbcanar-'Vlirtofr,- la-vblcb, afwr ?JiUng tbat tbjy had b?ea arrastsd by order ca tba JsToacr, and wer? novf la cca?noat?ut ca wltccnaa a tbe Inquest, la tba cmo of LUJar Pr?do<jt tbe aetJ-ianeta:f8tb!ycaE.8f7thieoity cu tbo 23iof Jana? ry.bMlcg on board a passage? nacasdP. P. Uaa? z^zn% cbo waa arr?ited by_oti3?t..oI_Cpt Clpb, bir^ad with tba mudsir of Etlar .Prsflca and Lieut, iaadao, oiEaera of tba rebel army. ..Tbe two bad tuian ^amtead and dUabarged, and ware r?-tt?fc*Ud oa lusdty. - It wib a taituar of gtstA b&rdabip that tbasa jcn R&onld b# locked np, and wttbaat seln^ into tba aarita of tba case, tbo petition datired tbit lie Cos;i vonlil tako aoQgaliincs of ihs iz+ilcT, eo Ii* at l:a-t ^ to Qdmit tbe parties to bail. * Tbo Jn<Jg8 cafd cj tba matter was before tbe Coroner, a did sot tblnk bo bad ocy rizbt to iniarfers witb ?t-?i:)f tribunal. He would, boxerer, ccasalt witb tbe Coroner about tbe raitter.---- _ Ia ibe-jcaia or i!catnn6 7ra. Eltsy,'? caticra wis mads by Col. Field to dsmi?a~t?:eDtlcn taken, e.5 flriToIoas, and tbit jaJppaent by dalanlt ta ordered. Tba exception was tbit tbo ddbnsaat iraa cited ia ?Eagllsh caly, when hla cotter tongaa b French, end cacordlsj to the law he ghoaid b?7a been cited tn catb French end English. Col. Field said that tbis tacdo of citation vastest faUJcg ia!o dUnsa. end that It did net cpplytotb!aCourt, particnlsrly. fora larja naabsr cf tie lawyers cractlciag ta it wero acLabla filtb3r to spesi or write Prsscb. Tbs Court waa rather In favor of tba Colonel's rlew Cf tbs natter, bat took tbe endsr adTbiemenS. In Sts qctdrargalfiT case of Dnrrivo & Co. vs. Bsrper & Crown, and the intGmnors, tbe Judge rondered a ?cI?13!Tin?f5Tcrcrf "tbfflas: Intmrmor,- Sir; Straf^bt a!!owin(f him to bond tba disputed cuprsr and colaacas, a&d trave bis reasons In cabsunca as follows: ? PiafatiCs claim tba property saquastered by virtu a of & Ilea cr privilege ca it. j Dslcadants were la pes> cci.?sloa, as general owners, subject to tbe lien of plain-ti'j, end as such were mado defendants in this is it. Tbcre are two iatcivenors, who eseb claim tbe property by virtue of a prrchase from tbe defendants Tbs defendants bad tbe first right .to bond. They waived their right, and tbe qucstlca tow Is, which of tbe otbsr three parties has the right as against tbe others. Tbe plalatiffli do cot claim tbe property a? tgalast Btraigbt, bat do cltln It as against Van Bergen. Tbe lntcnrenora both cisfmao purchasers from de* f&Sdanta, and fitral^bt, whoso pnrchase Is -earliest, unites ia himself tbe rlgbtsjsbtaincd by tbe parebas* fron defendants, all tboce cf plaintlffi, for tbey joined la the esle to him. Ba-alsbt bempht from **t-r* *??*
O'Brien, Hon. E. E The-Era-March-10-1863