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JL Q PHONE 52 WASHINGTON ST. PH0N1 aw A L I T Y J A T LOW arver, labor ___________________ 27.00 lold, labor_____________________ 53.50 avre, labor_____________________ 57.75 (effier, labor__________________ 63.00 ebre, labor ____________________ 63.75 ifontalne, labor _______________ 62.25 eitzmnnn, labor ________________ 63.75 mond, labor_____________________ 63.00 laue, labor ___________________ 57.00 ALLOWANCES OF CITY COMMISSIONERS, BAY ST. LOUIS. Bay St. Louis, Mi?*., Jan. 2, 1928. 22.50 0.00 ?ver, labor ---------------- 60.00 | The following bills were examined, found correct and ordered paid, to-i wit: I Fund. " I Ezra Arnold, labor'__________________$ 3.00 ! Ernest Meyers, labor_________________ 0.00 Joseph Capdepon, labor________________ U.00 85.45 6j00 2.00 9.00 7.50 lue, labor i Bourgeois, labor_______ }11 Co., gas and oil for chelb, special police ___ Soule, Btamps for office_ dlah, gas and oil for city _________________________ 15.00 ielng no further business appear-oard adjourned. SYLVAN J. LADNER, Secty. Fell was arrested and taken t Salt Lake City for disturb-eetin-g at the Mormon Taber-/ noisly denouncing -a recent JuieT\vehVe?^abor?7_IIIIIIIIIIIIII aoo rmitting the wearing of short Oscar Lafontaine, labor------------ 0.00 ? Albert Heitzmani, Jr., labor_______ 9.00 ' | Itene Bermond, labor_______________ 7.50 ?~~~??~ Forest I?lue, labor _______________ 9.00 ter: "Young lady, I hope you Alcee Carver, labor---------------- 9.00 ike a practice of^smoking.? I ?8h??adg ?? Young lning. (Jh no, lm Joseph Marengo, labor ____________ 9.00 oficient now.? 1 ; Alfred Carver, labor_______________ 9.50 ' G. Y. pialze, stamps for mayor?s office____________________________ 2.50 Schindler Garage, repairs and material for city truck_________________ 62.35 20 Alfred Arnold, labor Sewell Carver, labor _______________{.__ Roland Lufontaine, labor_________________ 7.50 Albert Carlo, labor______________________ 9.00 Frank Stupeck, labor ____________________ 7.50 August Taconi, boarding prisoner_________ .50 Daniel Favre, labor______________________ 10.50 George Heffker, labor ___________________ 9.00 NOTICE OF ELECTION. IEUMATISM Notice Is hereby given 'that an election will be held as provided In the following ordinance and resolution as adopted by the Board of Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Itay St. Louis: "Whereas, the Blnard of Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Bay St. Louis has this day fixed the salaries for the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Bay St. Louis, which niUBt be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Bay it. Louis and provided for by Section 6010 f.the Hemingway Code of 1917, and, Whereas, the said ordinance In full shall be submitted to the qualified electors as provided for by law, and, Whereas, It is necessary for this Board to provide for said election. Therefore be It | Rtsolved that an election be held on ] Tuesiwly, February 14th, 1928, within legal j hours as provided for by law. That the | suld ordinance $hall be published In The Sea Coast Echo,'a newspaper published in the City of Bay St. Louis for the time required by law, before the said election, and that at said election the said ordinance fixing the salaries of the Mayor and Councilmen be printed upon the official , ballots for said election and that said ( Fahey Dru| election be held by the Election Commissioners of the City of Bay St. Louis as by law provided. Be it further resolved that public necessity requiring that this resolution take effect and be In force frog)?alter its pgAsage. PROF! ?PHONE 1 D1 OFFICE A.: EXP1 BA Df Physi H OFFICE-121 Mais ? Phone 476 BAY DR. . Physi OFFICE: Phor>? 30. ? -{ii A,. ? ?_________' Ba.y Plumbing Co-., merchandise______> 20.: ii> r r&nco with the American Southern Beii Tel. & Tel. Co., teie- ^tained a noted French pre- phone rental _______________________ 80.40 for the treatment of Rheu-| P(|It"8Rantr^?oo ' |?Cdaal P?11CC? 17 5i oo ind Neuritis. I have given [ Miss, Power Company, street lights 561.Q0^~ An ordinance fixing the salaries of th^1 lousands with wonderful re- j S. J. Ladner, stamps for office_____1.50 Mayor and Councilmen (Commissioners) 4 1 n . r .. * * . _ _ _ A / t k n /'I f *? /\ ^ li ik tt v ^ T nufa lilaaluofnni * ie prescription cost me rvoth- Bny Mercantile Co.. mdse. ---------- 7.55 k noth ng for it, I will mail j Waferwork Fund, will S :nd me your, address. I Miss. Power Co., current for pump- DR. will biing it.- -Write today. KSE,'; )ept. T-j7j:: Brockton, ?TICK O CRET>ITOB8. if adinl ilstrntlonj on.*Jhe>e?fate house, five months_____________________ 957.00 Andrew Carver, mdse._____________________ 5.00 Postal Telegraph Co., message____________ .25 Southern Bell Tel. Co., telephone________ 3.50- Henry Molton, labor______________________ 72.00 Charles,Bang, lqbor______________________51.00 Peter Sick, labor|______________________- 24.00 D.. J. Ziegler, labor________________^___12.00 smplejs. ?erklns,;yiecea8ed,?'were Bang, rent for pomp at resevolr the nr derslgne*^by.the Chan-^w.' J. Gnllnp, freigrt paid___________ of Hatoc^k^o.nnt*,-.State otf N< 0. Nelson Mfg. Co.,______ on the SOth-day-of,November, -? - - ~ ? and- therefore, jiotlee is here-requlrl ig:alUperaons^'havlng n*(> sal d- estate I tg^have?same d,registered by the-clerkof said l one,;j(ea.r. f romj,\thts. date arid o ^probate Sj*jriater\ in - one r the <?aiin.?: telephone iDYPi CRKlN&Adtainistratoti. day of) JanBary.j'1928. ;>v-PSSXL ^Attorneys tot 15.00 *50 <8-40 Standard Sanitary Mfg.' Co., mdse. ? 21.50 Edward-Brothert, mdse.- ..-------? 2.70 Mias.-Power Co.; service charges on T ^rmotAr' ? r' ??????' "i ? ? 3.00 ^^^.^^^^hool.rand^?' ..?/ Southern *Jiw;/reJephone 'Company,;;?:' Protection. Fundi-:^ .Mflfcb-'A: Sporty professional services' -;drawlnr^planf andVapedflcatlons -^iUUon~?^^^itv.;;v.\v..., .^v. loa.OQ of the City of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi: Section 1: Be It ordained by the Board of Mayor and Councilmen (Commissioners) of the City of Bay St. Louis, that the salaries of the Mayor and Councilmen (.Commissioners) be nnd Is hereby fixed at Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars per month, each, payable monthly. _ _ y hcctifm"2"r''Tlrat- the ordinance shall 'Become operative when the same shall be approved by the majority of the qualified electors of the City of Bay St. Louis at an election to be held for that purpose as provided for by. law. .| The above ordinance after being read and considered, section by section, was adopted aa a whole for the following: Th<iac?latlng ?yea?: Ladner, Traub; Eifloff. i -------------------- Those voting ?nay?: None. , Said election to be held at the City Hall within legal hours on Tuesday; February 14th, 1928; as provided for by law;, i ?iv*'- -- ? ,&&.'? DANIEL*. J.:j ?-.' "ALCINE SAUC1EBJ- ( . E. J. gierinq. ; ? 1 V K: ^Electloa^? Con? talwlijnfrt,-- Offic Sunda MASOr TEL BAY DR. HOURS Hancock TEL BAY ?V. Painl . Where die follow-up By iput'of *uiybc ^??Isimply letter* pay s<
Traub, Capt Charles 035