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November 13, 1978
Page 3.
October 16, 1978	Louis	Fernandez to Mrs? Theo Inman
Program Director Mississippi Arts Commission
" Letter requesting status of Historical Society to receive funding from the Mississippi Arts Commission for Barthe* Statue, and the Mississippi Arts Commission present position with the Barthe Statue.?
(Letter attached)
President Louis Fernandez phoned Mrs. Carter and asked her not to solicit funds until a later date.
Mrs. Carter asked to attend a Board Meeting October 1978. Board meeting invitation was answered in letter to Presient Louis Fernandez.
Letter (envelope dated October 23, 1978)	" Thank you for inviting the
committee to come to a board meeting. We believe it would serve a more useful purpose if the committee	would appear before the	general membership
meeting to answer all questions	the members	may wish to	ask. Signature
Odile Carter"
Letter (copy) attached
October 17, 1978	Mississippi	Arts Commission to Louis Fernandez
"The National Endowment for the Arts has aprogram which profices fund for art in public places, and this is the information which I related to Mrs. Carter/"
"The application must come fron the city"
" I have noticed, however, that	grants from	MBA (National Endowment for	the
Arts) are usually awarded! for CONTEKBORARY,	avant garde	artworks rather	than
for REPRESENTATIONAL STATUARY. Therefore it is my suggestion that the 10,000 to 1^,000 needed for casting, site preparation, installation, etc0, be sought from "MISSISSIPPI A ft I BOARD could be approaced."
"Your Mayor, Mr. Bennett, has spoken with the office of the French Ambassador about a donation."
"If you could get the A. ft I Board interest perhaps they would contact the French Ambassador also"
" There has been no application to the Mississippi Arts. Commission for a grant, but we want to help you find a way to complete this worthy and lasting pcojecto"
Copy Attached

Barthe, Richmond Barthe-statue-report-11-13-78-pg-3
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