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Iof Batf^ I ?"?~-?.4 -__s?5? l22,;2ifand^ ipartipf'CB^tiop --^h*__.*?_, I fracti qnai'8ecti6n^57^TowMMp^?.^^Bge^; I West^-with-all'tbe imprqyemeDt9^a.nd Appur-i tenances thereunto belonging and app^rtskin-|ingJ?.'..Tb? 'pircha^ror,-pur?haser.-of * said I lands will be required togive bond with good [and sufficient security for the payt?ent of the 8qq>9 of money for ivhich t-beuaid lands may be-strudk^off ii sbtgiontia^ronC the day ofr b&? mr"'-'* ntend? .c omi njpg utmr /^Th el; p rt*^ri e 1 pi easan ?.?an d a canTbe found an1? ^J^AdministratbrVA- [--wKb.j *5 notify ^ erally turned to his old stand, on 2 .THetM'Ssoiiic Lodge, andbeii outework in the above Iii and dispatch. He has beei branoh of business for man^ j______ fully thanking his numerous friends f| patronage, he solicits a continuance References > >JET OKLEAKS : ^ SHIELDSBORO :},- (1 SU XDA Y S at > at.7 oVlt>ck , .jfS&Sir ? ?' *??rwr>r'^????^SPRITs G?5> na*?J intermc-?''' ' oa TUESDAYS ?cloe-k P. M., and on SATTJRDAYSa-tfel^ M7, $MAILED UNLESS PP.E:P^ID . . ' -Office Hours : ^.Offioenopen:for^everal hours after the ar-jivarof?each tioatand on thp morning fol-jowing^V'^^.:':. ?j Ptostag? Envelopes nnd Stamp? of af) denominations for sale at the Offitc. E* SAUCIER, P. M. ^ \ _ Sheri trs Sale, jjos^^TWheat jrT-vsM)* Favre Sr ? and \V\ Potto ven t. ^^^Judg'm^^$45QT?' Costs $1-1 05. ^ ^BjKVirtuj^^^^Si^of Fi. Fa. from the CirefiitgCour^Vof^ancock county, State of ?**^iM^aiPPicd^fe^November 7, 18ft8, I shall __ Court house of said ^ptmty^in^tW^Gity^of Shieldsborough, on jtK^lst'iloiiday^ihe ^th day ef April next, ^nefoUowing desoribed property : Seer SI, T. S> E. 26, taiiing"320 acres? ^est^Jf^ErN ? E- X of 8-E. J*, ^?5K'-Kof N~,'W-..}?of Sec. 33? T-8, K- 16 ^N*^.'34 of SV W.. quarter of fee. 27, T. 8, Eange lfi. r-V^^V^- , -'With all.thelmprov^jnents and Appurtenances thereunto appertaining* ? Levied on as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said judgment. ?^i?--LEYI K. BROWS. ? . Sheriff-JlAticock county.' ^^<felwro^eT5?^er 1869. -Otroiele^GrijlSi- of the best make^i?ate: ranted* time-kefpers, ?well as the^bcst'.Gold to 81 selling themfEMRw^foa ^totlemen*6^sig^>it only 812 each*^'T4neVy of beautifadly Chased ^^edipJtomE Gold HuxTiiiG Cask, ^ ^ 'tches. sjock of Gentlemens* and La-?^?. ChadiS, Eab Eikgs and _^gs, etc.,from8t t-o-S&^fully ..S^ar.V ^^%Terywherev Enclose two ^lrcularv .'O^Sfrcessary to send money with the paid to the express ag?nt ^^^^^ghe'goods. v jzngc't be addressed to GERAXtZ> &. Co.,. street, New York. *?. "Roder ick SeJt rtrney and. Counsello S^CTICKS in all the CoU Thomas .Murray; Henry R, SwMeyH,^ir. W. W. Carre &>.Cb^? Capt. Jno. Marti?-:?-Capt. J. V. Tonlme. Dr. Rob. Eager. 3-1?* -- VvX- :^-' :.y} I'i. ^dicial Distriet. -Uclress?MISSISSII Gazette Job Office, 7 CARDS, BALL TICKETS, <Sco^ ALE AND OTHER PRINTING ATTENDED TO UdctUH ___ VnrJ0U^???S^^ ^llTfiT^cholaNtic yt-jir scsiiy n?' v e ia??n t hf ea^^<xlmmeii eW? fi rrtt'on th'e;litb frf .^nM UAry^aji^^tT?^^ cu^e oD'lhc last Tbi?r?da^ iirNo^;cuil>cr^ the -fiiuiual^-.'icfttiou lusts'aljnut 6-jWeck^J '. As ii general rulo jvo 'sJ-ttilenVv ?ct'ivod lor a shorter perio*)^hari.^al^^isionvir Na deiiae-tion will be jnado for.nbsenc^^un^'w-1! less1 owns'ioni-d. by prcktime*?ii jUaeas-^^dis^ttc missul. . >: -, -? [Parmcj^s to be made half-yeaVly, always ..Uva'iieO Board and Tuition, per^c5sion/^^S?V'$125.'?5.. EXTRA CHARGES _ Bed'nnd Iiedding^-per annum.? '?ee>pcc a?Dttia.-- - 5 Pihtift >6.?ww,rTp'erv'inonth ^J-v ?- Use of the Piano,--------------- Guitar la?koin: Drawin ^ Pai n ting/^^^^^^1^^^2 lyo aa'xairceTmTno^ty, for. trayfl3? ing or stat!ohcrj-J.'w>ll Sp nnlessthereis a speciaVarrangemr^/^, effccfrv^7i^^^^Q; "*** For farther inforination-apply ;?:>v Sister C6xbMB^a^^[i or to pX^%^rfT0cX0, "^^President of the Summer Uniform?^LairS a*u3p? blue^ straps? and white. Winter Uniform?T)res^^f^?mat5r|n?^ ^ j^iinerino, a cloak; and hat,^imiDt^nqLt3^^ ! ^Jblueand white H o rt icul turi^^a^SKareeW ?a ^erso'nali gfape%vi^ I nee'* Louis tlurt aifesfcS Orange treM^SFT^* is money-irffl^laiL _ readmesTtb afte^l ' that the coming t know whom to s^| ? 12-tf. *5-3? ATTOgKEJ M3 ^-Alej building of the Court-house^' at rate of $50 a year, payable in advan Apply to the Mayor.- V )-
Favre, Simon 一document-13