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Samuel Jackson to Sarah Jackson
Clifton December lst/58
My dearest Ma
Your kind letter of date 22d inst reached me last evening and I hasten to reply. I am truly sorry and deeply regret to hear I have occasioned so much uneasiness, or rather the bad management of the mails, for I have written three or four letters since Pa left me. I am astonished not one has reached you. I have been very punctial and regular in my writting since I have been down here. I dont think I have permitted a week to pass with out my writting to some one. I hope you will not be uneasy hereafter you may rest assured it is not my fault. I will write once a week. I received a letter from Pa some days ago, telling me he would go to Memphis in a few days, but by your letter I see had not gone but expected to go the next day. I do hope he may successful and every thing may be arranged satisfactory to him, that John M. is a grand scoundrel. Pa sayed he would write me from Memphis, you dont seem to know when Pa will start for this place, nor do do you say wether you will accompany him or not.
Pa sayed in his letter you would be down with him. I do hope and pray it may be so, doe write me about it, that I may know for certain. I doe wish you could persuade Sister & the Dr to also come how I should like to see you all again, tell the Dr I will not let him starve as he did in Kentucky. I have plenty chickens.
The ggCbuildirigris. progressing about the same as when Pa was here. I suppose he gave you all the information you wished in relation to it. I am busy with my cotton I am now gining and

Jackson Letters 036
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