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If you want to know all about oxen 1 would suggest that you
drive down to lakeshore and have a friendly chat with Tommy
Moran, what Moran doesn't know about oxen just really isn't
worth knowing. That's why he was selected to represent Hancock
County at the Folk Art Festival to be held the entire fourth
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week of April /Jay- jthe co-sponsored! Mississippi Art Commission and
State Library Commission.
Sight now Tommy Moran's prized teams are working in the Sunrise Community on the'Tetal Side of thej River". From their home base in lakeshore they were sent by truck, along with their gear which XX consists of yokes, bows, pins and whips and a lot of feed-stuff. The average weight of these oxen runs about 1,^00 to 1,500 pounds. They are fed once a day ? and they eat
a lot. "Oxen are ruminants", Moran explained. 4.They chew their cud
and si nee their stomachs	in	?tho food- thoy flat rs
swallowed , regurgHated and swallowed agdlrr'aTter it mixes with rj-iaegtivfi piif'fig. The amimals are fed at night, and that allows them ample time for food digestion before the day's work begins.

Moran Oxen-by-Joe-Pilet-part1
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