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Be It X.waeaton4t ^'*^>........-....... - t-rt -tpeeit o^ettl 2^oit/ ($*te (^/z+ttdttrtef mJ**/$L*~. 4T?rrr%o>?....- a-ftf//i?e //............../^e CZ'^tte/a/te+tide-nce JO^e /m 0^tt, 8. R. OLLIPHANT, M. D., President Board of Health and Ex- Otkit Recorder of Births, Deaths and Marriages i...e^r............. '.L........!> e/ebdLtei, {ts?^l*^c< J in cz-ytt Jh,....a. 4 edte/ti 1'f:....../?. .... a ?<?<?'() ?t ?yia five. 01 1.F //>?./ J J?/U / J.6 ^ *f%$i..... e/^'Tte tt / CjAfe-w @i-&i ??*14, t-n ?iede'ytce e* //& <*/*i<d? <</_.. ad <if)o <n tvt/'-yteddtd, tfte 4e^i*ej/te/ do /o dt, 1 ^eiec^ /^td ant/ yea4- />^5> e-lttt-it/c de/ /^etl- ^am/d, /e^e.//^e4. iv* ?me. **^4* $?<{}? '? t t f Prttidenl Board of Health and St-Officio Rteoritr.
Seuzeneau 038