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vgistered breed. Kimme.l an-of their .daugh-lgston S. White, vhich occ^rrid ? f December 2',i. tin}?. Mr. and their home in . New Orleans, ?known Coast Andy Doyle, conductor on k?ean Springs, ? wn attendants ill funeral last metery, city- ? rgotten by the ission form of Louis. A depose has been blic interested y hall will ask idner. of the John D. rn with more Vi on that Mrs. (.covered from he underwent 'Hearts, to be home in Ham- f .... 11 um .juite a siege of cold that kept her to ter loom for a fortnight or more. Miss Welch?s many friends will learn .vith interest of her recovery to the xten-t that she is able to be up and >ut again. ?Mrs. Clarence Soule, residing in Dunbar avenue, corner Carroll, while .?rossing a ditch in the back yard of he family premises, fell an-d sustain?d a broken arm. Dr. Horton was summoned and found two places nroken. Mrs. Soule is doing as well as could be expected and is ?at home? .o, friends. Mr. Soule is one of the attachees of the city. ??Chief of Police Albert Jones, ever on the job, has requested The Kcho to announce to parents of children that he will in future prosecute all children and grown-ups as well for skating on public streets and sidewalks. It is a violation of the law to skate either on street or cement sidewalks and Chief Jones is going after one and all. He says it is not only a nuisance but dangerous, both to skaters and pedestrians, and since it is a violation' of the law, must be stopped. The Echo condemns the practice of skating on public and other people?s property, it is a violation of the law, and Chief Jones is to be commended for his stand. [? GALLON MATING OIL REE! New^ , for You To be truly smart ? base your ensemble on a Gosaard Corset and Brassiere. The foundation shown here is a Clasp-Around of fancy pink brocade, fashioned in the new-e?t mode, and complrte with two pairs of hose supporters. An attractive value at $5.00 The dainty brassiere is nicely made of pink satin tricot and fine elastic, cleverly trimmed cnuicii. wnuur S. Driver, noted for his; profiency in- this work, nas the job in personal charge. The roof flue has been tabooed and raise insurance rates. Local agents say all flues should be built from the ground up. ??G. Y.? Blaize, graduated in-1920 at St. Stanislaus, ai)d now attending Spring Hill College, has distinguished himsoli as a letter man in football and most probably will be the varsity guard on the basketball quintet of '28. Last year he showed rare ability, maki'i-g regular forward on the undefeated Spring Hill Freshman basketball team. Besides being an all-around athlete Blaize is quite popular and active on the Spring Hill campus. ?Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McDonald left New Orleans Saturday morning for Havana, Cuba, which place they reached safely Monday morning, after a most pleasant voyage. They are visiting while President an-d Mrs. Coolidge and the accompanying dis-.inguished party are there and will witness much of the ceremony and loings incidental to the presidential v'isit. They plan to return home toward the end of the month, and will ravel by rail from Key West and Miami. ?The Echo learns with interest of the improved condition of Mr. A. J. McLeod, although yet seriously affected, as a result of an automobile accident some two weeks ago. His improvement is so marked that they plan of havin-g to take him to New Orleans has been abandoned. Mr. McLeod was riding in the rear of an mtomobile when the car struck an obstruction and he was thrown above his seat, and, in falling to the bottom of the car was severely hurt, injuring />fhTrTght hip. ?Considerable approval is heard as a result of the removal of most of the traffic ?red dots? over the city by the new Board of Mayor and Commissioners. Many of the ?dots? wfere a constant menace to traffic, placed on narrow streets and damage to automobiles resulted. The Echo wishes to approve of the removal, and, m fact, hopes more will follow to the dump pile. Damaged sustained from time to time by auto owners has been considerable and it is surprising the ity was not made defendant to more than one damage suit. c_y4.. G. Theater Friday, Jan. 20. Hoot Gibson in ?THE DENVER DUDE.? and ?The Trail of the Tiger.? * * u Saturday, Jr.r. 21*t. Fred Thomso.i in < ? f T ? > I ? We are all studying fi We are studying for tions and we hope we wi Jokes. Katie: How?s the new on? Mims: Oh! he was b Fort Mims. We Wonder W Edris comes to school c Katie is so worried late A new ring has appez gie?s finger. ?Freshie*.? At the class meeting 11th the Ninth grade acci roe Lee?s resignation as i and elected Valentine Gai ceed him. Valentine is cheer leader to represent ment this year, the first Carrie McNab. All the Freshmen reg sense of Miss Hans, and in will return- soon. Herber and Ludwig Clauset have absent this vveek. . We e bert to return just in time nations, as is his custom, not know when Ludwig ^ We are sorry to lose Fay 0 has decided to stop school St. Stanislaus Opens Basketball Sea With Two A (CONTINUED KKO.U I?AC Carlotta?s sharpshooting it all a runaway with thirte and a free shot, for a total seven points. The lad?s bril ing was something to behok Cantara and Blaize were ti second honors on- two poi ?Cotton? sneaked over an shot that nosed him in secc wire. There is a remarkable th these 135-lb. teams of Star the 1921-22 season, The E scribe nicknamed the tet Sharpshooters,?'because of curacy on the'court in pa; well as their point getting, team so named lived up fully, and ever since then have made good. This sea start off right and you can-cash on the lads. Keep an e; record they make this year. It is from these same Sh; ers that the Red Devils of fhi graduate. Can you wonder we have unbeatable teams? brother, classify. The second game with the Hi quintet was not as easilj as the one on the previous n-game was a fighting conte soup to nuts, and though t Devils garnered in the shea' final total of 27 to 19, they > liged to fight hard every ste vvay for what tho> got.
Traub, Capt Charles 036