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00026 'rr UNITED STATES. 770 Invtd.) TaDLB 8TTOWIKQ TTIB TorULATlON OT TtTR PRINCIPAL ClTIES AND TOWNS IX Tni UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO tub Seventh Cenbcs (1850) and the Eighth Census (I860), iiespectivkly j also tub Numerical Increase and Increase teq Cent. The loiter I Indicate* loss. i*ea 1,711.951 775.891 178.855 674.949 1,182.019 J 07.200 879.994 M,4 05 11.594 6.857 40.278 68,M * ' 84.277 28,Wt 4,687 8i.445.OSO ..■i' Flat* rfUiry. . 7 CO 7.75 6.11 7SS 7.25 C 61 8.01 10.99 11.40 . 6,61 7.45 *7.94 100.00 16.90 »•. i 21.41 '.. t.fS , . 4.79. . 11.74 * . 9.07 i 7.14 6 56 6.12 4.17 2.M 0.76 ClTIXI AWD Towns. (S> Albany, N. Y......... Alleghany City, Pa. Augusta, Ga......... Augusta, Me........ Aaourn, N. Y....... Alexandria, Y&.... Ann Arbor, Mich.. Annapolis, Md....... Alton, lit.;....... iurialo! Boston, Mass........ Bancor, Mo....... Bath, Mer:77........ Burlington, Vt.... Burlington, N. J.. Burlington, Iowj\.. Brooklyn. N. Y... Camdon, N. J........ Charleston, 9. C... Cincinnati, Ohio... Columbus, Ohio... Cleveland, Ohio... Charlestown, Mass. Chicago, 111........ Cambridge, Mass.. Canandaigua, N. Y Columbia, S. C.... Columbus, Ohio... Columbus, Go..... ChiHcothe, Ohio... Detroit, Mich. .... Dover, N. H......... Dayton, Ohio........ Davenport Iowa.. Dubuque, Iowa ... Des Moines, Iowa. Fall River, Mass... Frederick, Md....... Fayetteville, N. C. Frcderlcksburg, Vo, Freeport, 111....... Fort Wayne, Ind.. Gardiner, Me...... Gloucester, Mass.. Georgetown. D. O. Galveston, Texas.. Galena, III......... Hartford, Conn.... Hudson, N. Y........ Harrisburg, Pa.... Ithaca, N. Y........ Indianapolis, Ind.. Iowa City, Iowa... Jersey City, N. J.. Keokuk, Iowa .... Lowell, Mass........ Louisville, Ky...... Lynn, Mass.......... Lockport, N. Y.... Laocastor, Pa....... Lynchburg, Va.... Lexington, Ky. ... La Foyotte, lnd... Lansing, Mich....... La Porte, Ind.. a 50,708 21,201 11,753 8,225 9,549 8,734 4,803 8,011 8.535 169,054 42,201 130,831 14,432 8,020 6,110 4.536 4.0S2 96.S33 9,479 42,935 115,436 17.8S2 17,034 17,216 29,963 15,215 6,143 6,060 17.832 6.912 7,100 21,019 8,196 10,970 1,343 8,103 936 11.524 6,028 4,648 4,061 1,430 4,232 6.466 7,738 8,860 4,177 6,004 18,555 6,235 • 7,834 6,909 8,084 1,533 6,850 2,473 83.833 43.194 14,257 12.323 12,869 8,071 9, ISO 1,215 1.229 1.524 1-3 62,867 23,702 12,498 7,009 10,930 12,053 4,483 4.529 7,883 - iq 177,812 16,407 8,076 7,718 6.193 6.708 26G.661 14,859 40,578 161,044 18,554 43,417 25,003 109,260 26,000 7,075 8,059 18.629 9.021 7,626 45,619 8,502 20,031 11,267 18,000 8.965 14,026 8,143 4,790 5.022 8,529 10,389 4,4S7 10,904 8,733 7,307 8.193 20.154 7,1S7 13,405 6.S43 13,611 6,214 29,2C6 8,130 86,827 68,033 19,0S3 13,523 17,603 6,S53 9,321 9.3S7 8,074 6.023 11,604 7,441 740 * *1,483 8,913 **i*5i*9 ’ 8,753 43,304 83,863 40,931 1.975 66 1,603 657 2,624 169.S23 4.S79 ’45*603 672 26,333 7,847 79,297 10.S45 932 1,999 747 8,679 626 24,609 306 9,111 9,419 9,892 2,979 2,502 2,115 144 961 2,093 6,100 **3*1*18 867 8,130 2,1S9 15,599 901 6,571 *10.577 8,632 22,870 6,653 8,444 24.839 4,826 1.200 6,234 ‘**171 a 172 1,845 8,204 22.50 85.00 6.30 I 7.49 15.06 44.86 I. 7.91 60.42 104.69 25.65 91.97 29.90 13.63 0.70 26.24 14.43 64.29 175.37 61.47 I. 6.60 89.51 8.70 154.83 45.53 264.65 71.23 15.17 82.99 4.19 61.91 7.40 117.03 8 73 83.05 609.63 81S.27 802.12 21.71 85.03 3.09 23:66 145.75 142.59 L 80.82 40.04 4.83 74.93 86.45 115.03 14.83 71.11 I 0.95 131.65 229.59 826.23 22182 10.31 57.50 83.85 9.73 42.81 L 15.09 1.53 672.59 150.12 .175.65 ClTlr.l AND Towwi, 0 II h ■a- t* . i . ji 9 j § 0 \6 >- Si Manchester, N. II....* 13,932 20JJi2- 6,177 .44.0S Mobile. Ala .... • 20,515 my 8.743 42.61. Montgomery, Ala * 4,985 1 R5,9W TW.MH 627.49 Milwnukle, 'Vis,.., 20,061 45,246 25,185 125.64 Marblehead, Mass 6,167 7,047 1,460 28.09 Middlebornngb, Mass... 6,336 6,272 036 -17.64 Memphis, Tcnn 8,839 22,623 18,794 155.94 Muscatine. Iowa 2,540 6,824 2,784 109.60 Madison, Iod 6,012 8,180 118 1.47 New Haven. Conn 20,845 89,267 18,922 93.00 New York. N. Y 616,547 *05 651 290,104 66.27 Newark, N.J..... , .., 83,394 71,914 83,020 ' 84.S9 Norfolk, Va 14,326 15,611 1,255 8.96 Nashville, Tenn 10,478 16,9S8 6,510 62.13 New Brunswick, N. J.. 10,019 1,287 12.86 New Orleans T.n 110.375 62.300 NiuW iJ. ik 6,^6 4,215" 72.&J Nantucket, Mass 8,452 6,094 I. 27.89 Newburyport, Mass.... 9,572 13,401 * *8,829 40.00 Newport, R. I 9,563 10,503 945 .9.93 New London, Conn 8,991 10,115 1,124 12.50 Newburg, N. Y 11,415 15,196 8,761 83.12 Newbern, N. C 4,631 6,432 751 16.04 Natchez, Miss. 4,484 6,612 2,178 49.12 Norwich. Conn 10,265 14,047 8,782 86.34 Pekin, 111 1,678 8,467 1,739 106.61 Portland, Me 20,815 26.341 6,520 .26.54 Portsmouth, N. II 9,733 9.335 ....... I. 4.13 Portsmouth, Va 8,122 9,502 1.880 16.99 Providence, R. I 41,518 60,666 9.153 22.04 Tfiihdelnhin. Pft. 340,045 M2.529. 222,434 C5.43 Pittsburgh, Pa......... 46,601 2,610 6.61 Petersburg, Va. 14.010 18,266 4,256 80.33 rivmouth, Mass. 6,024 6,272 243 4.12 Poughkecnsle, N. Y.... 13.944 14,726 782 6.61 Paterson, N. J 11,834 19,5S9 8,254 72.83 Peoria, III 6,095 14.045 8.950 175.66 6,903 13,632 6,730 97.61 Rochester, N. Y 86.403 43.204 11,601 82.42 Richmond, Va. 27,570 87,910 10,340 37.50 Rosbury, Mass. 18.3M 25.137 6,778 80.S8 Reading, Pa 15,743 23.161 7,419 47.13 Raleigh", N. C 4,513 4,7S0 262 6. SO Richmond, lnd 1,41$ 6.603 6,160 857.51 Rock Island, III 1.711 6,130 8,419 199.62 Springfield, Mass 11,766 15,199 8,433 29.13 20,264 22,252 1,9S3 9.S1 Syracuse, N. Y. 22.271 23,119 6.843 26.28 Savannah, Ga 15,312 22,292 • 6.9S0 45.59 St Louis, Mo... 77,660 160,773 82.913 106.49 San Francisco. Cat 84,776 66,602 22,020 63.34 Schencctady, N. Y 8,921 9,579 653 7.8S Steubenville, Oblo 6,140 6,154 14 0.16 Thomaston, Mo 2,723 8.218 "495 1S.1S Trenton, N. J.... 6,461 20.223 13,767 218.07 Troy, N. Y 28.7S5 89,232 10,447 86.29 Taunton, Mass 10.441 15,376 4,935 47.27 Utica, N. Y 17,565 22,529 4,964 23.26 Vicksburg, Miss. 8,678 • 4,591 913 24 83 Washington, D. C. 40,001 61,122 21,121 62.78 "Wilmington, N. C 7,264 9,552 2,289 81.50 Worcester, Mass! 17,049 24,960 7,911 46.40 West Troy, N. Y 7,564 8,820 1,250 16.60 Wilmington, Del 13,979 21,503 •• 7,529 63.86 Wheeling, Va 11,435 14,0S3 2,043 23.16 Zanesville, Oblo.. 10,355 9,229 110.87 100.0*
New Orleans and Louisiana Document (037)