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f^iCAYliNE, WEDNESDAY, DEC.. 8, 19' ARRANGEMENTS MADE . . FOR NOTT FUNERAL Friends and Relatives Will Attend Services at St. Louis Cathedral Thursday. Arrangements for the funeral of George fV\ Nott, chairman of the board of the IMtUens* Bank, were completed Wednes-*')y. The obsequies will be performed It St. LoUls Cathedral at 4:30 o?clock Thursday afternoon, and the following vill act as pallbearers: Dr. E. 9. Lewis, Tharies J. Tneard, Calhoun Fluker, Aris-ide Hopkins, A. W. Crandall, Fred Mul-i er, Chas. Carroll. Simon Pfeifer, Hughes F. de la Vergne and Edgar Grima. The nterment will be private. Few men of affairs in the city of New Orleans enjoyed a higher respect or more general esteem than Mr. Nott. His long ife was a useful one and his efforts well rorth while, in that in winning success or himself he always sought to eon-erves the best interests of others. Mr. Nott was born in New Orleans eventy-one years ago, and left Spring *111 College at the age of seventeen ears to enlist in the Confederate army, lis service was for four years, until the nd of the war. He later took an active >art In--, the White League movement, avlng as its object the freeing of the city nd state of the carpet bag government, nd was an active participant in the reat uprising of September 14, 1S74. Upon returning from the war, Mr. Tott obtained employment with? the lerchants? Insurance Company*, and iter was promoted to office of sec-etary. K* filled th!}*.^5bt with such ?; blllty that his futu?^Was assured with le company, had ae decided to r-main , i that field. K When President Cleveland was elected I \ Robert F. O'Brien of Bay St* Louis Buried Robert Fulton O?Brien, city auditor of Bay St. Louis, Miss, who died here Tuesday, was buried in Metairie cemetery here Wednesday morning. A delegation from the city councit accompanied the body here and attended .the funeral. Besides his sister. Miss .yn'.a O?Brien, a number of citizens of Bay St. Lfcuis came to attend the funeral. Mr. O?Brien was bom here but was taken to Mississippi by his father fchen a boy. He was the son of E. E. O?Brien, who was elected mayor of Bay St. Louis a few years after he moved there. The son was a member of the council and served under his father. He was made city auditor and secretary to the board of mayor and aldermen several years affo. Mayor S. L. Capdepon made a statement calling Mr. O?Brien the most valuable employee of the city and expressing regret at his death. The city hall of Bay St. Louis was draped in black and all public offices closed in honor of Mr. O?Brien. R. Fulton O?Brian, '? who dted^yestordaj. PIED c? Rnn;\ 101 *?. at 7.13 *? m., ROBERT Vrrn,|???M J.h ?'aM;t- r,?nnK "r ??>>* All,- pl?"r'? fr0'n ' on nrrlT'il ,.f ll"?" < r.. In n,i ?,Ai-<lnrvl?yl M..rninS. Thn frlpnij* nco Inviii'^ ---------------\______ CITY AUDITOR DIES AT BAY ST. LOUIS Robert Fulton O?Brien Native of New Orleans and Long in Public Life. George W. Nott. Tbucsduy of upll-kuuwu New Orl*\in* j mrtii. first time, Mr. Nott selected for (he | iT-*on of postnmof .Ww Orloons. held that place for four years, r. Nott became Identified with the! Jens? Rank more than a quarter of I -entury ago, and public confidence, i restored in the old institution when 1 Nott?s appointment to the presidency J i announced. He showed hts skill and j Wledffft ?? . ? ? ?? ???? ? * , Bay St. Louis, Dec. 7.?Robert Fulton 1 O?Brien died this morning shortly after 7 o?clock. He was city auditor and secretary to the board of mayor and aldermen several years, serving his third con-? secuUva term. Ife waa a son of the late ? E. E. O'Brien and Alice Vrenderberg O?Brien. Mr. O?Brien, Sr., was mayor of the city of Bay St. Louis and th? son at one time served as alderman oi* the same board with his father. He was a native of New Orleans, although practically a resident of Bay St. Louis all hts life. He was well known in club circles of New Orleans and was relate^ lo some of the most prominent and best known families In that city. He Is *ur-vtde by his sister, Mins Anna O?Brien. The funeral will take place in New Orleans tomorrow morning, wlt?? Interment j at Metairie Cemetery, the body leaving) here on the !):43 o?clock :*ain, and will ? lie accompanied by a committee repre*' .-eriting the city council. 1 The city hali facade is draped today with the mourning colors, and there is general sorrow over the city, for Mr. O'Brien was not only well known but universally esteemed. The mayor, Hon. S. L. Capdepon, nald this tribute to the ............* ??
O'Brien, Hon. E. E Times-Picayune-Wednesday-December-8-1913