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S^ES MA8% # 3& % FIDEL1 CEUTA MERCZS GTo all fcofjom it map Concern: Snob) pc. That .......Edgar J. Perre 276051 _________j.?:_________________ a--.________?5taff Seargant ______of the MARINE CORPS, RESERVE, who was enlisted at .CMc.agO-??m.iRQ;La................ on the ...-j._?:JL6.tJb--------day of -___________Qc.tober:??.. 19.39, to serve : ......f.QUX.______________years, is hereby HONORABLY DISCHARGED by-reason of expiration of term of enlistment. Said -------??????-.Ed^aX' . ?..........was bom July 6-__________/.916. at------------Bav St. Louis,. Mississippi?-t anJ when enlisted was ___68_____inches high, with _j______________Br-OMJ-?--------------:__eyes, ..............Blank" .?___________hair,............?.vRuddy.-.:..1-.-.j?r=r complexion; ciliienship, ___________U.^S-___________ <5ibtn under my hand at San Francisco, Calif., this...filshtll ___________? day -October" 19 A1 Cutmmmniing Cqunl, DipmtmM ^ Pacific. Btltoertb ^Cnrm Pgndleton. Oceanside, Calif Fifteenth_______________________Joy of_______Q.c.lak?X_____________ /9_i? 'Character: ' SjK.gL.I?HT.- J<S.?^SKj/.iU.cFc??.fal Mvbm. Promotion! and rcJudlom: .-PrJiy8iift_-F-ir.S-t_.C-l35S _.10May41; Field Cook 2AUg41f____ Chief Cook (temp.w.) 21Feb42; Mess Sergeant (C.temp.w.) 2fSep42;_________________________ ^aff_Serg.eajit?_lC_.Org,Aw,) _ ]Jfer4I;S t af f Sergeant (C.temp.w.) 1Ju14^ Infzntry atapons qualificationi: '______________:__________________NQOQ Special military qualifications: ____ None- Sca xervicc: : -.Ncae.r Foreign service: r7rrr=^SAmQm..ISl^S..lX^l0i.lSUaXAl..tCi.A}^TAl~ Expeditions: 4INT ACT $F mi, M ? II VlU III THt ?E*30N TO WHOM Ims Remarks: Assigned to .active duty 8Mqy4Q; Under shell fire at- J^xl?ajn...S.amQa?mAlJa.n^.g:................................ Married or sinfU: ?--Single ?. . Remains and rtrommtnJtdianyfs. H^CQ^P6nC.6d. TOT rCSC OQ lfltZieflt .. Qua r t ^M5lfcr^.erk_UV12J_II?15CL. Objtdions to rterdistmenL None ??? - PaidinfuS Slfnatar* of marbit: ~r^P. ?. Dollars. certify that this is M? actual print JLS-Urcfc.mmmitnt Mtrinu. X.U.C.MVA.AL
Perre (Perry) 037