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September News Letter September News Letter September News Letter FRIENDS OF THE HANCOCK COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM BAY ST. LOUIS ? KILN ? WAVELAND HOME OFFICE: 312 HIGHWAY 90 BAY ST. LOUIS. MISSISSIPPI 39520 Dear FrSends: THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS: 1- To announce the program for Thursday, October 6, beginning at ?:30 p.m. in The Crawford Memorial Room of the Bay City-County Library, and 2- To list Friends of the Library goals amd purposes, and To extend through you an invitation. Please ask your friends, neighbors, students and all interested persons to attend this exceptionally interesting meeting. There is no charge for admission. Preeaibingg Lana Noonan, vocalist Olive McKenna, accompanist Commander and Mrs. John Elkins, a highly articulate and enthusiastic couple who spent three years (1973-76) in Iran will display a fine collection of treasures accumulated during their stay in this ancient land including art objects, jewelry, weaving, rugs, cushions, items of copper, brass and tin ware. They will talk informally, sharing their experiences and will welcome questions and/or discussions within a 25 minute time frame. 3- YES THERE WILL BE MUSIC IRAN It's people and their customs FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY GOALS AND PROCEDURES REGULATIONS YOUR SUPPORT MAKES OUR SUCCESS Our purpose is to promote interest in and use of the many facilities in our Library System; to provide programs and displays; to introduce the many gifted and talented people who live in our Gulfcoast community. To comply with Library regulations we are expected to cooperate by opening our meetings promptly at 7:30 p.m. and closing activities at 900 p.m. We allocate the first hour for formal procedures and the second hour for visit ing and hospitality. Within the second hour dues may be paid, announcements and suggestions made, door prizes drawn, etc. Eembers of the Junior Auxiliary serve as hostesses at the refreshment center. POSSIBLE. THANK Joe t, Coordinator
Pilet Library System newsletter