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^aT\ SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR?ALWAYS IN ADVANCE FORTHCOMING EDITION OF THE ECHO FORETELLS COMPLETION OF BRIDGE Will Be Reflection of Civic Pride?Business Interests of Mississippi Coast Gives Projected Edition Staunch IThd^ Patroitic Support. We can pa^xllel our positron with that of the average young groom whote paramount desire isi, to shout his good fortune and happiness from the housetops only with all of t.he joy that is ours, our sovereign dignity must be remembered and so as to have a partial outlet for our en-! thLsiasm itie Bay St. Louis Bridge Edition, the largest publication that our presses have ever enjoyed the of tripping over, become* a reality. j It is.with sincere appreciation that we tender our thanks to ihe co-operation of our valued Chamber of Com-nurce who b endorsement has made this message of iht greatness of Bay St. Louis to the entire United States possible. We further tender and equa! vote of thanks to the ready response and assistance of our progressive merchants and business men who, through their enthusiastic support made possible a publication that will spread the innumerable advantages of the Bay throughout the entire country. The time for an issue of this kind was opportune. The opening of the bridge, which is predicted within the next three weeks, offers an unparal-elled opportunity to tell the world of the advantages of the Bay. The above constitutes the reason for the Bridge Edition'and was quite sufficient, in the minds of our progressive citizens to warrant the purchase of enough advertising space to carry hundreds of reasons in story form why Bny St. Louis si"mM be the preference of all desiring a resort whose lacking in perfection fell short but by one thing, the Bridge. Now that that is completed we may rightfully hold our heads high and salaam to none. The Bridge edition will tell the CITY ACROSS BAY < SHOWS ACTIVITY IN CONSTRUCTION Seven Buildings in Course of Completion?Splendid Growth. It is always of interest to note the rapid and substantial growth of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and the ma- i, rial growth of our sister city across he bay St. Louis is all the more of interest. While the Coast, as a whole, is one ?one for all and all for. one?the progress and expansion affecting Pass Christian in a measure reflects its beams bayward and the spirit of progress well nigh lends an influence of local interest and profit. Noting present improvements, the Pass Christian weekly ?Tarpon? gives an interesting synopsis. It says: The new home of the Pass Christian Branch of the Hancock County Bank will be completed before the end of the month. The building is situated on the corner of Beach boulevard and Davi3 avenue. It is a graceful two-story structure of pale buff brick and Bedford stone, constructed at an approximate cost of $75,000 and representing an investment of $125,000. * Plans for the building were drawn bv William T. Nolnn,~ New Orleans architect, and the contract awarded to Geary and Oakes, also of that city. Plumbing was installed by Alonzo B. Hayden, Inc., of Pass Christian. * * * Grey Castle, a sixty-room hotel J0S1- Locates Two Places factoring Illicit Stu i! Destroys Sam< FOUND IN VICINIT H OF JORDAN Deputy Sheriffs At Raid and Destroy I\ u No One Found Sheriff Jos. C. Jones is d< to rid the county of illicit other places coming under ban, and has started out wi his credit, assisted by deput; in making the actual raids. The first one was Sunda] Sabbath morn?when all ^ and' the very waters of th serene. Located at a poii woods five miles above K the edge of the river seve lino' flrums were found, con a thicket, contain-ing one gallons of mash. These stroked and the mash scatte elfort was made to locate ers or parties interested, bu near could be found. Second Raid Same Di Following, a second raid w TlrfSvtime an actual still mad per^-as found and later tak> courthouse for evidence. T1 rel?$of mash were found 1 Sheriff Jones stated the c wt? so dirty and foul tha erar.Se of the substance was witfc! a greenish liquid tha oozi'jd its way over the grou destruction. Tbis still was located on biflflfreli above the village of Both places were in obsci tions, almost inaccessible, murder, these things will ou1 alert officer will finally a the^guilty. But for the tfr least ,the_ owners or operatoi Still WPrf* Dot nrATtnr} r
Traub, Capt Charles 037