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Bartram Heritage Wc^jhop Page 2 HERITAGE Centers- facilities to inform, interpret and display natural, cultural and historical resources. Single, as well as multi-focused purposes could be served by a heritage center. Nature centers, conservation centers, environmental centers, ecological centers, museums, cultural centers, folklore and craft centers are examples that fit this category. Gardens- cultivated plots usually carefully managed for some specific objective. Included, for example, are rose gardens or azalea gardens for beauty, botanical gardens for scientific study, etc. Oder- ideas and subjects that do not fit the above categories. Participants in each work group should strive to: ...Identify and describe their area's needs. ...Suggest ways of meeting these needs. (For example, if there is interest in bike riding in the community, but no place to ride except on the streets and highways, a need is apparent; perhaps a bike trail along Bartram's route of travel or a bike trail to a natural area or a historic site would serve the need.) Written notes, sketches, a marked-up map or pictures that could be left with the work group leader would be extremely useful, but oral ideas are also invited. All suggestions and ideas will be carefully considered in the study. As no preconceived plan exists, the "workshops" will provide valuable information and serve to shape the final report. Your ideas are welcome and our invitation to participate is sincere. ALABAMA: March 2, 1978 Auburn Univ. at Montgomery Goodwyn Hall Montgomery, AL FLORIDA: March 13, 1978 Bronson-Mulhouj\nd House Palatka, FL GEORGIA: March 6, 1978 Wesleyan College Candler Alumni Ctr, Macon, GA LOUISIANA: February 27, 1978 La, Dept, of Education Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA SCHEDULE OF WORKSHOPS MISSISSIPPI: N. CAROLINA: S. CAROLINA: TENNESSEE: I^rch 1, 1978 Mississippi Rower Co. Gulfport, MS March 10, 1978 Macon Co. Cowty Bldg. Franklin, NC March 8, 1978 S.C. Nat'l Knk Bldg. Charleston, SC March 15, 1978 U.S. Forest Service Cleveland, TN For additional information, contact: Robert M. Peck, Technical Director or Martha Mclnnis, Chairman, Bartram Trail Conference, 3815 Interstate Court, Suite 202A, Montgomery, Alabama 36109. (205-279-8550).
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