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Title; Hy dear Nelli* . the Civil War letters of Killia# L Nugent to Eleanor Smith Nugent / Author. Nugent, shllias Lewis,1832-139?. Nugent, Eleanor Sk i t h Call *• IH«) KZSS-LA COLLECTION H 973.782 NUSE Title. Hv first days in the White House, Author Long, Huey Pierce, 18?3-1935. Ciil #. (HQ1 fMSS-Lfi COLLECTION L 321 LONS 11lie: “y fi.-sl eighty years jfcosrd the planet Earth / Author: Carr, Hugh Turner. Cali «: <HQ> HlSS-LA COLLECTION H 929.2 CARR Title. Rystenaus Pane Laveau. voodoo queen . band folk tales along the Mississippi / Author. Martinez, Raymond Joseph, 1889- Call *: I HQ) HISS-LA COLLECTION L 398.2973 HART Hardback copy Title; Napoleon's soldiers ir, America, Author: Oeiery, Simone Riviere de la Souchere,1893- Call #■ !HG! MISS-LA COLLECTION L 976.3 DELE Title: Natchez : in illustrated history / Author: Sansing, David 6, Callon, Sim C. Smith, Carolyn Vance. Call *: (HQ) HISS-LA REFERENCE HR 976.226 SANS Title: Natchez before 1830 / Author: Polk, Noel. Call *: (Hfi! KISS-LA COLLECTION H 976.226 HATC Title: Natche: by design : architectural motifs in stitchery from nine Natchez mansions i Author: Smith, Carolyn Uance Parks, Laura Sailey. Call t: (HQ! HISS-LA COLLECTION H 746.*6 SHIT Title: The Natchez District and the American Revolution / Author: Haynes, Robert V Call #: (HQ) HISS-LA COLLECTION H 976.226 HAYtl Titltf: Natchez or, the Hississippi / Author: Kane, Harr.etl Thomas, 1912- Call * (HQ) HISS-LA COLLECTION H 976.2 KANE Title: The Natche2 Trace t Author: Young, Harold. Black, Patti Carr. Call #. IKS) HISS-LA COLLECTION H 976.2 VOUN Title: The National Space Technology Laboratories / Author: Ling, Edwin Roger. Halcne, Terry N. Call I: (HQ! RISS-LA REFERENCE HR 353.308975 LIN6 Title: Native land ■' Hississippi. 1540-1798 / Author: liells, Rary Ann, 1944- Call *■ (H6) HISS-LA COLLECTION H 976.2G0497 WELL Title: Native trees for :jrbar, landscapes m the 6uif South Author Brzuszek, Robert F. The Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Miss.) Call #: !HQ! MISS-LA COLLECTION H 532 ERZ'J
Library Hancock County MS LA Collection Document (042)