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vv i C Lilw ^0-11). gclIVcin- ized babbittanchorand chain from the boat ?Sure-Pop.? A. L. STOKOE. R. J. Williams Lumber Co., Bay St. Louis, Miss., Manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of ROUGH and DRESSED_______ Lumber. We make a specialty local orders and guarantee PROMPT DELIVERIES. We also sell BRICK and SHINGLES. Our prices are right. ea Coast Ecbo. ECHO BUILDING. Entered at the Hay St. Louis post-office as second class matter. 3. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. OF Jefferson Smelker, brother-in-law of Mayor G. G. Gardebled, and a cabinetmaker and builder by trade, dropped dead this afternoon from heart failure* ? j ? .... j-Aciy uvuumg uuimg the week the Rosary will be recited, followed by a sermon and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. There is also a question box which is well patronized, the Rev. Father answering the questions as he reads them. Mrs. Amelia Bourgeois went to New Orleans Friday evening in response to a message announcing the death of her brother, Mr. Geo. Heilman. Tuesday being Washington?s Birthday the children of the Waveland Public School were given a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ladner returned from a several days visit to New Orleans. Messrs. Combel & Perronne have opened a meat market on- Bourgeois street, near Herlihy & Haas? store. Polite Ilerlihy spont the week-end with his family at Bayou Talla. Daniel Chevally spent Tuesday here with his family. Street Commissioner Bordages has a force of men and carts at work on the front street. Miss Alice O?Donnell camp over on Sunday after a three week?s stay in the Crescent City as the guest of friends. Ross Biguenet was here Sunday on a visit to his parents. George Kerner was a Sunday visitor to Waveland as the guest of Miss Sadie Laizer. Miss Myrtle Wood is spending the week here with her mother. Edwin Laizer was a business visitor to Gulfport on Tuesday. Bernard Shields and family came over recently and are installed in their home, and will remain here for the rest of the winter. T5?.. W-lL T-*r
Gardebled R.J.Williams-Lumber-co-1