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FD EHL.ALLOW.|200.Or ?'Oot47. Aeot of C.S.Wlck.C* APV.USMC, for the. 1947. P.K.filS?SSN7'w0fPM),USMC. of CAFTAIM C.S. WICK, APV . .IISMC. > from ttipArmrfo IForrra of Nip (Hnitpii StatPsafAmprira Edgar Jogaph P.rr.? J'// ,/f/y ,j?Ootobar, 1947i-7^////.) <//*/jS/MW/t/ft/ R?Q<USTKD USMC-BY MB AT DHRS, M'S AKrtfcLfcS, QCALIPOKWA^a^JJfBR 1947 l/CAWAIK. : VkSSI&TANT RECXOITI*^ OrVICliK. ?'-A- ? 3. C/2 _ ZERM Oolonal. U. 3./Harln? Corp.. Alitor*! for dMutrge......fapl*?tlon of mU.twit, Art. 5-13. HO* . EnKMtd ....................0.9.*.*n*.1<U ... .5*11 fQr&i*~ ...<m tkt----- XgUl-------- day 0f ................... OotobtF- ; / .....,^3 !? faur Bom........... ...........6 July. 19X6. tt Baj St. Louie. Mleale?lppir~~ mien enluted uras......... ....inches high, u.rUf\..~-^ eyes,, complexion:........SV.4.4X..........marital datuT? ?Ingle ~ citizeruktp: 5?~ rrtom service Rank held on discharge Weapfms qualifications:. ;M3gt................ 10x^745.? lOMajift.? None Military Ocmpat to nat Speciality:..................Cfcli ef Cook __ 060 _ I*'** Tyi* Q(her special Qualifications:...............................Me.fli. "?.Eg.eant ........................._ vice (sea and foreign): l&Jan^^-^HoT^S Wounds received in service Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expedition!: Harehall Illtnde. 3Uta44-23Fwbii! Kwajaleln Atoll, 11, Rlglll Island^ Knlvetok Atoll; Saipan, M, I. Tlaliui,' Mr?lT'Wui^'l^?giHi'riiw JUm, Tolbano ? island. 19^?b46-18K?r4e.-??? .:-------- .T"7~? P c * ? J* tr. 4-> ? C o ?* cn c ^ uo ? H . 8 .2 ? b< O ? O -O * ?oc ?**-+* ??* O ? T3 O 4J Remarks:.Awarded...?ood...Conduct..Med? M..pffWM?^elMe^ that date.1 1 1 ? Character of sert'ice excellent. Service number...?7?P.?X...... .......... .....I./.."___ Monthly rate of pay when discharged........................................................... Paid travel allowance $...........................$.?.? A?.....................for the distance from____3^...?ie^.,....Callf.9.n}.la______________to...Ooeanelde. California___________________ 3, 36 in JWto date of dieterae. Ck#56627 dtd 150at470 Organization:.......?a a ? Jferoop ? t,.Ifalfln. feiy. B?.?. Place of discharge.......San Diego, California . .......................... I certify that this i* the actual print of tforigJdipdez finger of the man herein named. ^ .. 5fl 9.. ..Co 1 onei.t [j. 5. M. C.
Perre (Perry) 039