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937 V? Hancock County Historical Names
3 political divisions in Hancock County in 1?37 were:
^oard of,Supervisors, the governing body of the County Commissioners of the City of Bay St. Iouis T'ayor =nd Board of Aldermen of Waveland
In lq12 when Hancock w*s formed. .as....a._ Cpymty fthp^ gnvprning body was called the^oli.CAa^l^i i£l 87fey hen:’fcy. Act of the
Way el and was incornora ted ini-1888. Name was chosen by a meeting of the citizens after the L -r- I\T Depot so-named there.
There are no n^tura1 objects in Hancock County except the beautiful trees along the Coast.
Hancock Co\mty received its name after John Hancock,
President of the Ssnsti Continental Convention, Dec. 1*+, l8ll?2 (?)
In 1780s records of land grants indicate permanent settlements were being made.
Ambrose Gaines and Thomas Shields are remfembered by Gainesville and Shieldsborough — the latter applying to Bay St. Louis and to the Customs Port.
Pearlington was named after the many small pearls found alone the riv = r banks.
Ansley came from ?•'. F. Ansley a resident of that section.
Edvardsville was named by the Edvards family.
tellers vas named after the Sellers family.
Westonia received its name from the Weston family.
Fenton vas named after 1'r. Fenton, a pioneer in that section.
Dedeaux received its name from the Dedeaux family.
Standard received its name from the Standard Savmill operating in that part of the County.
Crane Creek vas named after the many cranes found there.
iNoel.Jourdan ‘gave his name to"the River.
Flat Top received its name from a little old log house with ^ very flat roof which was used as a School House and as a Church.

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