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In the 1 O'a Usnn Va ut/han, a I'carlinyton xlavc blueksmith, owned by Nezan Favre, developed the famous high■ wheeled wi> tread *‘<'<trr|{lo<J,, tlmt made it jmssible for Const lop<i'nuj crewx to irorh in. met- (jronnd and haul out lays of any size with tlu .' n o.r letnns. .1 half Centura later another M ississijtpia it, Jnltu Limlscy of haurcl, (leeeloped the eii/ht iehee.1 o.c wayou th out ihoded the "carrylot/" ttud preceded the motor track am I which Inter -u'ns popular in Central Europe aiul South Ainerit
Logtown Logtown Booklet HCHS (18)