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I've ever come across - and it is great to know she was not oniy my friend but my aunt as well. Nana remained Mom and Daddy s very best friend to the end of their lives. Uncle Martin, Aunt Olivia, Uncle Albert and Aunt Lillian were also very special to our childhood, but we didn't see them neariy as often. Aunt Olivia, especially stands out as one special person. She was so gentle and welcoming when we went to Mobile and we spent more time with Betsy and Mary Alice than we did next door to them! I guess Aunt Olivia reminded me somewhat of my own Mother as she seemed like a perfect lady. Aunt Elvie and Uncle Pence and their children go back to the part of my life before I could remember real we 1 i ; and Aunt Alice and Uncle Zeif and their children (.especially Pat) have been more special to me as I grow older. At any rate, the Blanchard roots run deep and I know rrom my interactions with the aforsaid and with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Margie's children (especially Mason), and Aunt Edna-s daugnter, Marguerite, that "blood" does indeed "run tnick? . The Baliinas and Sbisas are also part of our story. Mom and Daddy and I often reminisced about our trips to the Ballina ramiiy home on Pine Street. There are the memories of the wonderful Christmases every year when we were little - the presents, the beautiful Christmas trees, the deli'cious food, the table with the finest china and crystal, the laughter, the fun, the excitement of being with everybody. We were much younger than the Baliinas but Aunt Delores made us feel so very special. Mom use to say "Who else would have invited nine little ones to every wedding"! Mom spoke of Aunt Delores as a "perfect big sister" and Daddy described her as "a great lady"; Mom idolized her brother, Bob; Marion was a oest friend. My memories of Uncle Dario are loving memories. One memory Mom and Daddy cherished the most about him was that he enjoyed his visits so much to our home in Bay St Louis. Daddy and Mom got in on "state affairs" when Uncle Dario was Ambassador to Panama. Daddy and Bob were the best of friends from their earliest days to the very end; Bob use to sit hours with Daddy at the Reed Home - they would watch TV together Cone evening Gen couldn't find Bob and she was distressed - he and Daddy were sound asleep in front of the TV at 11:3U PM.). Mom and Daddy loved the Ballina children. Patsy was a favorite of Mom-s and Daddy's favorite was Harold tone of the few Daddy recognized at the end - he recognized Andre and Uncle Martin, too). Uncle Dario and later Junie were our dentists (both high on Mom and Daddy's litany or thanksgiving). Gen and Sandra were our playmates, making our summers so so special. How sweet it is to walk down memory lane. MANY FRIENDS, TOO
Blanchards of BSL 040