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300 pounds each. I think we will make from fifty to fifty five weighing three	hundred. After	the holydays are	over I will	have
the men making	rales, ditching	and manuring. And the women
taking the yellow cotton from the white. How is dear Sister the little children and Aunt Marion. I do wish I could see you all.
I received Pa1rs letter, which he wrote in New Orleans, tell him the other nine	sack's of cotton seed have come.	I will now	bid
you adieu give	my best love to	all, And beleive	me as ever
Your affectionate son Sami Jackson
P. S.
Enclosed you will find a letter for Pa which came a few days ago. I thought it was from Mr Wilder and opened it and found it was a letter of importance therefore enclose it to him.

Jackson Letters 040
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