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(^ily-^ounly. Cubhc cJ^ib vary Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 THE BROWN BAG CONNECTION How have, youA> been attely? Have, they lost theJji snap,, and pop? AAe you. just plain BOREV with lunch? City-County has fiound a May to make even the. dullest sandwich become suddenly You aAe invited to a BAown Bag Lunch and Book Review on Tuesday, ApAil 19, at 12 o'clock. A-4 pant ofa oua continuing celebAation £o National Libnany Week, Apntl 17- 23. Mn. John Slocum will Aeview the following books: VOG VAYS AT THE WHITE HOUSE THE EAGLE HAS LANVEV THE QUEEN ANV THE GYPSY LORV OF THE FAR ISLAND Ma. Slocum is well known as a book AevieweA in Louisiana and Mississippi. He has set up the Science and EngineeAing LibAaAy ofa Tutand UniveAsity: the Meade HistoAical LibAaAy o& Tulane UniveAsityi the Dental LibAaAy {,oa tke LSU School ofi Ventistny; and oAganized the GAecuteA New QnLeans MicAo^ilm CoopeAative. At pAe-sent, he is a sales consultant &oa BakeA and TayloA Companies, Inc. Mas. Slocum says that he "likes books and people, and enjoys getting them togethea." * You aAe invited to bAing youA lunch and join us. Ifi you aAe on a diet, join us anyway on Tuesday, ApAil 19, at noon, fioA a Lunch with Books.
Libraries Hancock County Brown-Bag-Connection