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s"2r ? \i't. %}?&<? .-h ?* ?Jfi- V???.-'?? ? V.vJ . U N~ I T E D STA T E S OF A If ERICA, TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL GOME, GREETING: ' - deposition Ahg .GEN EKAE I ?i > ?. t2r TST5' -v vi- *?*,*'?? -Vv ': - ^ -Hi.v--- ti/. ? tf*- vt-Trt'VrfeV.'5?-v't. ' ?'???<???? ?**?/ -. . Plat-of- t lie Sui?vey?,'Qf .tLe said. Lands* returned :o th-j^. exkijal land off-a: b\ ? :he 'CKvevoi: general. nliicli said Tract lias been purchased by -tlie said / ___________________________________. ^ IVO \Y KXOIY \ E. That the 1 .. . $?**?** v . ERIOa, iii consideration oi the.iEff^bifSes. and in eonioiiiiitv -with rhe several lets of Conirress. in "iicn -use made and provided, have given and giiantep. dd ........ .................................................. .iv imii' \y i in i ue descril)ed:T TQJ3A1TE AXD TO HOLI> rlie same, together with ail the rights. privileges, immunities and appurtenances of.Avliat- _______________ and to X; heirsand assigns forever, j .PliE^IDRXT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ' a. zzg* *?.- vvt*, . .'haveccaiised-.-tfifise letters fo ba made.Paient. and the Seal of the General Land.Office to be hereunto affixed 7*? ? r"Vyr _?*? YFlivniuler my hand, at the?-ciiY of washinc.tox, the * -Jr-.? * - _;? * - ' rV* / ,/ v ^ j\^ HV1V.UJUU " (lav ...j-$?2&s2j?i___________ ?in the year of our Lord one seventv- . . ; ? ?>5i^rar p .- ^.; X ' '.?'iJ^iSECOKDED, TAOB ' / :v- RECORDER OF THE GENERAL I.AXI) OFFICE. T;? -- <? 'f it i-r-yr *? ?
Buckley, J.C. 005