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GRANTOR GRANTEE PAGE WALKER, Z. Samuel LEATHERMAN 62 WEST, T. W. Michael WOODS 242 WEST, T. W. & Wife Michael WOODS 474 WHERRY, Andrew et al John BRICE et al 488 WHITAXER, Benjamin Thomas N. M. WILLIAMS 502 WHITE, H. G. Moses LIDDELL 393 WHITE, H. G. & Wife J. P. McNEAL 224 WHITE, Robert E. WHITE 33 WILBOAN, W. B. Peter SMITH 22 WILD, J. D. Paul WIMBALL 137 WIMBALL, Paul J. Y CALLIHAM 135 WOODS, Michael A. C. WOODS 481 YERBY, William Alex BAILLIE 35 YERBY, William Alex BAILLIE 40 YERBY, William John YERBY 423 (End of Record) HANCOCK COUNTY, ^4I^^ISjSIPPI^REGI_STER^OF^APPOIOT , 1812-1817^^y Reference: Territorial Archives, Record Group 2, Roll 12, Mississippi Department, of Archives and History, Post Office Box 571, Jackson, Mississippi 39205. Note: Subscriber Bonus Service applies -- 75p per readcr-printer page. William HUNT Duncan McCALL Thomas HUNT Duncan McCALL Rodger A. HERON Joseph VTLLIO John SMITH John CARVER'7 " \Elihu CARVER Richard LEE Richard LEE liim CARVER William W. WALKER William W. WALKER William W. WALKER John BURNETT Richard LEE Noel JOURDAN R. HURN Thomas ANDERSON ^Elihu CARVER Louis A, CEYAUTT John TOULME Joseph VILLTO 24 December 1812 12 December 1815 18 December 1815 4 March 1816 22 March 1816 10 April 1816 10 April 1816 19 September 1816 19 November 1816 19 November 1816 8 December 1816 27 December 1816 27 December 1816 27 December 1816 11 May 1817 15 August 1817 15 August 1817 10 April 1816 10 April 1816 Clerk, Supr. & Cty. Ct. Sheriff Assessor & Collector Assessor & Collector Justice of the Peace Justice of the Quorum Justice of the Peace Sheriff Assessor & Collector Clerk, Supervisors Court Clerk, Cty. Court Assessor & Collector Clerk, Supervisors Court Clerk, County Court Justice of the Peace Assessor. & Collector Clerk. Supervisors Court Chief Justice Justice of the Quorum Lt. Colonel Major Lieutenant Ensign Captain (End of Record)
Carver, John Carver-005