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To Dr. William Flood?
New Orleans January 5. 1S11.
Having understood that the good Citizens inhabiting a tract of Country situated on the Bay St. Louis; the Rivers Viloxy and Pascagoula and the Bayou Batin were in a state ot? Anarchy, acknowledging no authority, but that of a Commandant appointed by the late Florida Convention, or some, individual acting under their orders; I have passed an Ordinance by which the Tract of Countrv aforesaid is divided into two distinct Parishes, and am desirous to enforce within the same as soon as possible the laws of the Territory of Orleans: You will therefore proceed from hence by the Bay St. Louis, and the Bay Viloxv to the Mouth of Pascagoula. On your arrival at Bay St.,Louis, vou will cause the American ? * ??
Standard to be reared; and to be circulated among the Inhabitants* copies of the enclosed Ordinance establishing the Parish of Viloxy.
You have two commissions for Justices of the Peace also enclosed the one for Simeion Favre3 and the other for Fortesque Coming, which you will be pleased to have delivered. You have also two blank Commissions, for justices of the peace for Viloxy, which you will fill np with the names of such Citizens as you may find best entitled to the Confidence. An Elderly Gentleman residing at the pass of Christian has been represented to me as a man of honesty and good demeanor, and if upon enquiry you find such representation correct you will be pleased to present him with one of said Commissions.
From the Bay St. Louis you will proceed to the Mouth of Pascagoula where yon will cause to be reared the American standard; arul to lu* circulated among the In-
*	BesinnioB of Volume VII.
?Simon Favre Por sketch see Encyclopedia, of Mississippi History, Vol. 1. p. 699.

Claiborne, J.F.H Claiborne-J.F.H-005
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