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/ I L frca(137 tion of the atm of two thousand dollars, uu ______________________ to him on his lawful representatives, agent a or aaaigftl Honore F# Deblieux Junior of Hanoook County and state ojfj iaaippi $1000 , one thousand dollars on the tenth &A, June (1876) lighteen Hundred and seventy Six, and hit' r promissory note for five hundred dollars, with interest eight (9) per oent on the same from fcefcth day of Jun* eight hundred and seventy six to be paid on tenth day of June (1877) eight hundred and eeventy aeven and hia p issory note for five hundred dollar a with interojt Eighteen hundred and seventy six at the rate of ei^it (8) -i per oent per annum to be paid ontenth day of June 1878f fi v een hundred and seven-y eight, have given, granted, bargtlfij ?i sold and delivered, and by theae presents do give, grant* fcl'Sjr gain, and deliver unto the said Honore' F. Deklieux, Junior*;;,? hia heira and assigns, forever. The following piece 0? paroel of land To wit being the fractional section aixtefS (16) Township (9) Nine Range (14) fourteen to wit, oontaiOKv ing three hundred and eighteen 318 67/100 aorea situate! . upon the aea shore in the bounty of Hancock and ata-e of iaaippi, being the late reaidenoe of Goli Andrew Jaoksottf purohased by the aaid Semproniua Ruaa from Rodriok Seal ^ the eighteenth day of May A.D. 1872, eighteen hundred and Seventy two said Rodriok Seale purohased iame at Shertf|J^ sale on the 7th day of Feby. A.D. 1870. Eighteen hunar 'seventy Whioh Deed is reoorded in Reoorder's book oi &?, 1, pages 458, 459, 460? ?To the land, tenements, hereditament a thereunto belc ' ? ^ appertaining. To have and to hold thfl ? y*/ ? Into the said Honore* F. Deblieux to .0 "'v-.
DeBlieux 005