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Your petitioners are desirous to establish and cultivate a piece of land lyl*? and being at the Cost of Belo*y vhlch has never been claimed oy any person, bounded on the east by the* mouth of the Bay of the Old Port, on the Vest by Levis Payar ? and on the south by the Sea; situated on A Point called Point of Duma non, vhlch said tract contains about Eight Arpents irt front; and, the sane being property .belonging to the Royal Domain of his Catholic Majesty; I dare hope, chat your honor will oe pleased to grant to your petitioners the tract of land prated. as above. In acknowledgement of which, your petitioners shall not cease In offering proalses to heaven for the preservation of your honor's days. We remain with profound respect and entire submission. Sir, your most humble servant* and submissive subjects. Mobile, twenty-eighth of April, oW^houaand seven hundred and eighty-four After checking that the property belongs to no one, Henry Crlmsrest, t Covernor of Mobile, Rlvea the following decision. t. , Henry Crlmareuc, Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry, Civil and Military Covernor of the Town of Mobile and its Jurisdiction: ? ?** * .v" ? ? feu? -m i By virtue of the powers which the King, our Sovereign, has conferred ppon me, I grant and confirm unto the said Jamts Hathurln and Nicholas Carceadx the eight arpents of lsnd which they solicit In the preceding Memorial; that Is to say, to Jamea Hathurln the four arpents situated on the West; and to Nicholas Carceaux the other four arpenta adjoining thereto towards the East, which tract of land'they shall enjoy during their life time, and after their death, to their lawful representatives,* 'tL ij; and the said land shall be used by them for cultivation, raising of cattlc, cutting wood and In establishing a plantation thereon; T -> and in virtue of this title, they can therefore enter In the enjoyment and possession of the said tract of land, and they ? shall be recognised as lawful owners thereof free from molestation by any person whatsoever In the courae of their labours. -And in order that this ^trant may appear at all times, let It .( a v,t be deposited in the Archlves'of thii government, granting to the'^l ,<*^* petitioners copies (of the same dvrly authenticated in due and legal ^ ? form) of the same duly authenticated In due and legal form of c lav. Clven at Mobile on the 28th day of the,month of April la Che year of our Lord, one thouaand seven hundred and eighty-four signed with ay own hand and sealed with my A^mojplal B^arlnga (Signed) Henry Grimarest Louis Fayard's grant at that tl?e must have been what was confirmed later by the Ceneral Land Office in Washington, as follows: f* i ?!:. at , ' o *r\o?X4v
Fayard 005