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Reine Helluy de Montluzin June 12, 1833 - January 19, 1910 Death notice, Bay St. Louis, MS, Sea Coast Echo, Sat., Jan. /winsls of j sauzay* s 1 I . ?:? M'ln tlhk relict of, Mbe Ludoji 1u?rn du, .Sauz|yy breatji the family-vilt? on the JJfc ndflday f morning at ha o?clock, ? surrounded byj who, for the last lew W' tered to |her da$r and u: vigil and! it) tjie chensi recovery* Every meaosk and skill wasrbrought i no thought orjsuggestic r of, and! evefyjieffort pots that thfe deari mother, ii memory; might bo epdfr ones a^vhilei longer, hi The Maker had decreed from the ruling of an and the? inscrutable Providence there was appeal, j Resigned, typi; that all jwas well, the d tal dissolution aa had allotted. ' The transition iron death was calm and sei as placid as ^he blue ?Waters the morning sun was in shimmering streak tiful an;d ealta, likened lation of soifie rare ex* death Was robbed of there vjas noldeath?nie influence gently cxerijir metamorphosis of one ral life into the othej;, Lifei ; ?K- ; Mrs.'Rein^ de Morit-Juzin was a: native of Lu where she was born 77 K * I ^ ? ?. 3; Sfauaay, de Mont-: V last at >nt Wed-ast:veightr .ved on&s, ad minis-m tender, ipe of her to science jquisition, lost sight ,vas made hallowed her loved n') avail. ? wise, and 'iso Judge of Divine aying>/ no ' the spirit met mor-lestiued or ,o physical peaceful, of the Bay ing to tint, ver?beau- , the exha-And thus errors, for transitory ? If, a mere! of tempo- j of Eternal Bay St. Louis, where SM ing to America with Mjr. the couple took up thfei James parish, La., anc d.u Sauzay 4eville, France, ago. Com-Montluzin, ience in St. r moved to of their lives was spe it. over three weeks since oember 25,: Sir. de M< his last, and the de:ath of es ti s. lowing so closely mak reavement all the hi the isdrrowing relative de Mcjntluzin had been ma 62 years, and the pa wouldj seem to mean the otjher, so closely a pys and vicissitudes to their lot. ored in tho bosom was devoid of its icfearm that bind?, and so do grief of the widow t 'an illness which has the greater part Only a little on Sunday, De- intlu !in breathed his wife fol-e double be- And ' so fittingly unitjed as they were in lat is in life, ill t this the embodiment of they'are now. wedded' ow of silence. That votod children, who atedj their parents favored with the! nign influence Ion and even beyond t time of life of thre 5 dcore be accepted as a tie as a diving dispensal tage| that necessai il within the hearts of I Butj even then th lew in gribf, and ?kcctjdjj thfe irrepar Ch: istian jeourago solaling and' com frieiVds noar tlienh sympathy from frier up tinder: the stress rea^cijieiit. But l'ci western horizon an towprd the eastern clouds aro not son huefe and; flecked wi ovs iof Ilcipe!' 3hou pres( ssmg the lied of >re poignant for Mr. .and Mrs. ried for over away of one following of hajJ been the f lijfo which fell Although lojre-3 and hon- ------- in hgfj. ]-[g of ?the ties ated was the ; .brought on "!p-S( lat i ?ened again in the shad- dolized and vener- r ' tlr bibl hen dir' ski lire, ti tl? her demise. family'of de- d have, been nee and bean ordinarily Leally allotted and ten, must sing from heaven, on, and is a Keri-must live forever hose thus favored, heads are bowed ir hearts have felt loss. Only with 1 foi tified with the ing word3 of their id t le messages-of way, they bear f their double be- turn from the ct their vision es, whore the but o? rbse-ito o brighter col- 22, 1910, p. 4: T^ie funeral took plaeb on Thursday afternoon, Rev, Pat'nr Irwin, curate of tlier Church , of' Ou ? Lady of - the Gulf, officiating iit the ab >iineq Of the pastor, Rev. -Fafthor Pren<;crg?t.,.- Notwith-stn$din{*;the inolenvflit weather, "the fu-ner *1 was ?? largely ;i' ten led, which well attested ithe which?, the deceased was'held, and wa ! a fitting tribute to the memory c f the departed. ? The casket, appropriate j ins eribed with the wo^ds ?At Rest? up on ;he silver plate, literally; covered vitt a profusion of jtlie rarest of neural roses, carnations and viole.ts, b le ast-naraed the favorite ; flower of. t le : deceased, and, with its covering cf mtural -flora so mutely- el'oquent, w:i; e msigned to the teniporary! ce n the Osoinaeh family tomb at Cc d ar Rest Cemetery, pwldmg the buildii f of tho de Montluzin family ton'!).- ; i; .j,. .?Mrs; de Montljjzi i is survived by five childrcnj?Mrs. 0. I! de Lappe, Mrs. A. M.| Benedic and ivlessrs. Alfred and Rone de-Mont-lu'iiq, 'Jr.,Roger de Mont-luz^n, aijd a? nuinbV r of grand-children and greiit^grandj^cl iLdrc n.-?. ;;The Echo joins tt e hist of friends of the faraijy in extend ii ig it s sympathy, and trusts time will jsinioth out tlie ?rough pla ees? imade s|>m lahif est in, thia,par-ticblar hour of claxk^es;. [Note error in parag. 3, lines 9-10: ?December 25? is a misprint for ?December 26?; correction supplied by Emily Lorraine de Montluzin, June 2007.]
de Montluzin, Reine Helluy Color-005