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TAWS OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI- 1886 ( Continued) CHA.PTLR CCLXXIX. PAGES £36-07 V t.AUrt OF TICK AMt-ric^n- fe«»« Fine*! tor non alterel-• net-. 8trU» of ordinance pu>> be n'coM*. I.iabUit ** *»f officer* men to U- elected hereafter shall receive two dollar* for each regular meeting actually attended when present at roll-call, and shall be ex-i nipt from all jury “ervicc during their terms of otfiee; insist* any alderman shall tail or refuse to attend anv regular meeting of the l>ourd, ora -jx cial meeting when he “hall have notice of the “ami*, lit* >hall U* fined by tin* mayor not le*s thau two dollar* for **ach non-attendance, but th* fine w> may Ih* remitted bv tin* mayor bv anil with tin* content of the majority of the Iwmrd, the party fined not voting; provided, that he “hall give a gm»d and vali<l excuse for hi-non-attendance; prondeil, hoiccrci', that tlu* mini of all such fines against any one alderman shall not exceed the sum of twenty-four dollar* per annuity and shall Ik* deducted from his allowauce lM»forc the Maine is puid. S»\ 27. lie it further cumin!, That the style of tin* ordiuancon of *aid city shall Ik*, ** lie it ordained by the board of mayor and aldermen of tlu* city of Ray St. ami all ordin- an<'*n aflopt^l by xrid InHird of mayor and aldermen for the government of said eity, or which are required to be observed under itfuahv, shall take I'fftW five day* from the publication thereof, unions otherwise ordered by said board, and Midi publication shall In* made in such manner as said l>oard shall by ordinam^ prescribe; Maid ordinance*, rules and regulations adopted by «uid board of mayor and aldermen, and all the record.-and pnx*e<*dings of the mayor’s court shall U* <lcemed and held public record*, und may be pnm-d bv the seal of the city ; said l>oard of mayor and aldermen mav liave a cwie of the or-.ImaiKfH, ruh*s and regufatious printed and published, and w lieu **0 printed and published shall Ih- revived as evidence in all the courts of tin-State without further proof. Sk< . 2*. H*- it further enttrtrd, Tl»at the said l*»sird of mavor and aldermen shall by ordinance pnwrilM* and define the duties and liabilities,rx-«» |M a.“ fi\«*d by thi* Act. of the mayor, asse*?»or and if.lln t«»r, trea“i»rer. -I* retarv mid marshal and other -ul'<>rdinatc officers of the cit\\ and * sTATK or Mississippi. >hall enforce the due ]>erfbrmance thereof, by appropriate fines, jtenalties aiul forfeitures; .-aid Kibordinate officers shall hold their office for the time and on the conditioi^ presciilvcd by ordinance ; thcv “hall by ordinance fix the com]* notation of the mayor and ail sulM>rdinate ollicer-of theeitv, jwyalde monthly out of the revenue.-of “aid ritv together w ith |m rouixito of office, and mav <*hangtj the same »s they may >ee fit ; prorided, that the city marshal .-hall not n «*ei\* mon* than three hundred dollar- |m r annum, nor the M*entary mon* than two hundred and fitly dollars jh t annum. SK<211. H* if further ntorfrd, That the mavor of s;iid city shall be its executive officer, and hball have all the powers and jierform all the duties U“iially incident thereto ; he r>hall havc aiithoritv to <«ll meetings of tlu- l*»ard whenever he mav <h*<,m it mM'e^iry for the public interest, and shall pre>i»l‘‘ at all meetings of said Umrd at which he ahull Ik* present,and when there shall Ik* an <*4}ual division «>r a tie occitr> in voting on anv question he shall give the casting Vote; lie shali that all the law- and ordinamv-f» r the government of .said city are faithfully and ►trictly enforced *and executed; he fhall inspect the conduct of all sulmrdinate officer* and -et that their duties an- performs!, and shall rej>oi t in writing to the )>oard all dcliiupieiu'ii s on the (Mirt of such officers and (‘ommunicate such information an<l n*eommend Mich mea-nre- as he may deem iM-neficial to the health, “county, goixl onler and governnu*nt of the <*ity ; he shall have power to tine anv iiichiIk r of >aid lK»ard not ex«*H“ding twenty dollurs for improj>er or disiirderlv (*onduct at any meeting thereof; he shall have power to veto or disapprove any ordinance, rule or order adoptnl by said aldermen whenever he may deem the Mime ineonsi>teut with this Act or against the intercut of the city, ami in such eas<* such ordinance, ride or order shall not go into effect or be valid uiihss ujmhi a question of its adoption over the veto it »hall receive four vote^uf the alderun n in it- fa\or. to Ik* remrdMl on it- minute.-; each ordinance 1’iV |^l|- Powers ot lU ma^-r S<h» that <*r-<)iriiitU'fw arf* vitforwd. M»y (it.*-mi-tnber?
BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(07)