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. Bay St. Louis Product .... iis pneumatic and electronic graphic control panel, now in operation in a Michigan refinery, is an exar. I the complicated ;semblies produced by the Monitor Panel Company at Ulman and Dunbar, a recent manufacturing piant that picked Bay t. Louis as an ideal location. nits, one that provided greater fety and added comfort. Land was purchased on Dunbar enue far in advance of construc->n and its purchase price of 7000 was paid off without any :rease of taxes before the builds' itself was started. As soon as the decision to build is new county home was made 2 board of supervisors began ac-mulating the necessary funds, len this was accomplished, with-t resorting to any increased taxa-n, the new county home for both lored and white was erected onj ; land already paid for on Dun-; r avenue in 1957 at an approxi-ite cost of $50,000. This of course1 npletely replaced the former Ba-; j LaCroix building. This new county home on Dun-r on ground covering 11 acres s ample space and accommoda-ns for 25 to 30 residents, with jarate quarters for both male d female and for white and color-Its spacious grounds rambling ough a pecan and fruit orchard wide ample and enjoyable area outdoor recreation. The custodian and caretaker of r new county home is Mrs.!HANCOCK COUNTY OFFICIALS: Standing left to right—Sam L. Favre, Attorney for Board onne Frickie who already h. asjjf Supervisors; A. C. Mitchell, Clerk of Courts; J. S. Shaw, District No. 3; Charles A. Buss, Jr., ■WI1 ople" in^er^harge° th^ be^iDistrict N°‘ 1; Sylvan Ladner Jr-> Sheriff and Tax Collector. Seated left to right—R. G. Hubbard, 'care. Ihe replaced the bf-loved!Jr- District No- 5'< Jack President of Board of Supervisors, District No. 4; and Mr*, s. Henrietta Rutherford who had!Samantha Kellar of District No. 2. (As will b« noted several are also Centennial Brother* ;n in charge of the Bayc,u La-Uf the Brush.) >ix home for several decades 1 who was regarded with warm program. This is th« record tojtractors on any and all state aid this ten year period just rapidly action by every aged n.ian and date: [projects. This valuable equipment ■nan in her care. By 'ner own) jn District No 1 of Charles A.!is being maintained and operated ition she resigned and went on:-cjuss jr there have been approxi-^ experienced men backed up ial security at the of theLnately ig qoo feet of hard surfaced!"^ Pr°Pe>* engineering service nsfer from Bayou LfaCroix tojroad completed with county funds I ^??ia‘eJakor force. ibar avenue a well ancj jwo mjies 0f a four mile . r HARBOR years of; m o{ state and federai aid hard . board of supervisors *ias surfaced road under construction, [taken the proper steps to keep open _ , . . .. . . , :a portion of the beach front at District No. 2 of Mrs. Frank the mouth of Bayou Cadet for Kellar thereare 31 miles of hard^oats jjj smau craft both private erved after long hful and untiring seirvice. W HILLBURTON SPITAL PLANNED Hien the King’s Daughters Hos-jsurfaced fZ af,?ndU S M°Sed i" ^t miles of anticipated hard sur-;area wm be maintained at the J for lack of funds, Hancock facing to be completed. ;proper depth for boats to enter • I In District No. 3 of J. S. Shaw.and leave Bayou Cadet which is • .here are 18 miles completed and navigable for quite a distance and miles more graded^an^ji^jjtlon whirh -----*--------- roads completed and;ancl commerciai The water in this reviewed the tax rate has dropped in proportion to the revenue received from the county’s increased assessments. All bond issues are being matured on schedule and very few issued during this ten year period — those few, other than for school use, being one issue of $75,000 to finance road building in District 4 and, of course, the $175,000 bond issue as the county’s share of the new Hancock County Hill-burton Hospital.
Hancock County History General Newspaper Clippings Creation-of-Hancock-County-(02)