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The 2500 permanent worker. -ill include engineers, technicians, __^.ministrative personnel
and persons working for the installation's support contractor. Of the 2530 permanent people, there will be a relatively small NASA group numbering about 200. Thev will be in key management and engineering positions monitoring the support and test contractors. The above employment figures are all based on the Saturn V Project. However,
NASA is now studying the possibilities of developing a Nova type rocket which will require additional test stands and facilities if produced and tested. Should a decision be made to develop this rocket, additional personnel will be needed to test it. The project is just in the study phase at the present and no decision has been made to develop such a rocket.
There is a possibility that several allied industries will locate in the impact area to supply the needs of the MTO industrial complex. In this case, additional people will move into the area.
Since all citizens in the MTO area will be affected by the economic growth of the four-count; - arish area, it becomes increasingly necessary that a Regional Planning Committee be established to be sure that the several communities develop in an orderly manner.
Regional Planning
Comprehensive Regional Planning is a means by -.'hich citizens of an area through their planning committee set forth ideas and proposals for guiding the future growth of the region. In its simplest terms, it can be defined as intelligent forethought applied to the development of a region. The first requirement of ;i Regio-i-il Planning Frogram is the desire of the citizens and their elected officials to make the area a better place in which to live and work.
Since Hancock, Pearl River and Harrison Counties in Mississippi and St.	i
Tammanv Parish in Louisiana are considered the MTO impract area, it is proposed that a Regional Planning Committee be established to be comprised of elected officials and other citizens of the various municipalities, counties and parish. The committee would be established to be comprised of elected officials and other citizens of the various municipalities, counties and parish. -L'he committee would be established for the purpose of identifying, discussing, coordinating and recommending solutions or a course of	1
action in connection with problems that will have an impact on communities surrounding |
the Mississippi Test Operations. The committee would have the two-fold function of informing and coordinating. The diversified representation on the committee allows a compilation of plans and future programs of local, state and federal agencies relative to space operations. Through the committee, this type of information would be accessible to local, state and fg^eral agencies to use in developing their plans and programs.

NASA Research Document (041)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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