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Oh would you here v/ixh us, "but why indulge in such thoughts I know it is impossible and I should not speak of impossibility's. I will let you knov/ exactly when we go to the bay and you can beg for a furlough, If they do not grant you one then we must be content with out lot ?c bear cruel ______aration as best we can. We have been fishing once since you left, and then again you were sadly missed, but I hope we will not always _________ but I forget I am writing to a "soldier boy". Excuse me for not finishing the sentence. I am glad you visited our friends_____________________what did he mean by saying I would have cause to think he was partial to you on my next visit to the bay. Please tell me if you know. I do not understand him. Has he heard any news, if so tell me. I wish I could have been with you the day you inited that "lone cottage by the sea". Kow I would have enjoyed the walk. Yes well do I remember their beautiful grove. Would we could have rested there Sc enjoyed the delightful sea breeze. If God will spare us to meet again we will pay a special visit to that lovely "grove", when I visit the cottage again. I will seek an introduction to "Lt. Julian Medor" they always give me nine never fail. Cousin John I am really angry with you, you did not mention Polon's name in either of your letters. You know I think so much of him, give him my love also Pierre. Tell Polon he must write to me. Tell your brother P. he must not visit the bay until I go down. I hear his darling is married, tell him I have a sweetheart for him Tell Polon if he had been with me a few days ago, he would have said "catch him" I have a rich joke to tell him when we meet again

Saucier 043