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1H’.Tl11 '-■ 6 lWWtWr.»t.wi»wf;T^.)Tj>-a?..y, ( Harbor Ion Botal ) on tba baach at Claraoat Harbor, Hiaalaalppl, by H.f.Carr. Harbor Ins was built la 19)1* by Cbarlaa «. Hopkins. Tba hurlcana ot 1919 all but daatroyad thle bulJ.dl.og. In 192$ H.T.Carr raatorad thla building and it opanad for bualnaaa July «*. 1926. In tba yaar I9<*6 thla building *aa daatroyad by firs. ‘ft'.mmnt jCi.4i». . **Sti (59)
Clermont Harbor Hotel Sketch-2