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80 ScbAstiAn Qinn, Sr., nnd Missant Mageo Oinn, buried at tho old home place now owned by R.S. Oinn III in Centrevllle Community, R. S. Jr., m- (l)f Courtney Hagee, b-Aug. 27, 1957, d-Fob. 9, 1697, ?- (2) 1903, to Winnie Brock Smith, m- (3) in 1911 to Mattie Brock. He had 8 cht a. Dexter "Dick" Oinn, b~l8?6, d-19^0, m- 7/l7/l89** Sarah Elisabeth "Betsy" Morris, b-2/12/1075, d-12/14/1957, loft 6 children, 1 brothor, 23 grandchildren, 30 groat grandchlIdren, And 1 grrat groat grandchild. Doth buriod Centrevllle. 1. Ottirt Oinn, b-JO/0/1901, d-*2/7/l956, loft wife, 4 childron, 4 aistera, 2 brotlwrs, m- boosi* Dillon, b**l/3l/l906 (Same grave marker), hAd 4 cht a. Vornon Oinn, m-MrCAtherine Tarver who had eon Floyd Eat! Tarver, h. Sybil Olnn, m- Iddo Dixon, lives lln/npton, Va,# has 3 daust Linda Oailo, Sherry Ann, and Joan Dixon. c. Irma Lee Oinn, m- Dewey Miller,'Now Orleans, has 2 daust Dobora Susan, ami Sharon Miller. d. Jo Anna Oinn, m-196l to E. T. Spears. 2. Oertrudo Oinn, b-7/12/1095, d-1950, left 3 sons, 5 daus., 2 brothers, 3 Alstom, 12 grandchlldcon, m- Eugene Dillon, d-194l, At Tylertown* a. Vera Dillon, m- Fleet Darnos, had 3 cht Jorry, Prico, Sarah Jaiio. b. F.ra Dillon ?- John Uoid, livoa Poarl Uivor. c. M^rIn Dillon, m- M. L. Stilltmll, Bogalusa, La., lias childron. d. Wayne Dillon, marriod, llvon Tylortown, 2 oons: Rogor Dalo and Darrel, o. Eugenia Dillon, m- Ous Slngloton, livnn Pearl River, hoa daut Gail. f. Wllda Dillon, m- Huljort McKonxlo, Poarl Rivor, 2 cht Pa toy and Johnny. g. Douglas Dillon, m- Helen Smith, Tylortown. h. Charles EdwArd Dillon, m-Doc. 1956, Oenova Lura Forbos, live Covington, La., 2 ch: RoboccA and Tlmofahy Dillon. 3. Courtnoy Oinn m- Everett Simpson, Tylortown, 4 ch: a. Willene DWAOOt n- Gordon Dillon b. Aline D5XLCLtMK, m- Soth Lambert, lives McComb, has children. c. Hulen DWtfUiX, married and has children. d. B. L. >DtUL&04X married and has children. 4. Dudley Olnn, unmarried, lives Osyka 5. Leonard Olnn, livos Frankllnton, La,, m- CArrie Frixxoll, has son: Troy. 6. Doan Oinn, m- Sibley Elltey, r.on of Billy ltod Ellxey, lias 3 ch: a. Hub Elltey b. Clyde Kllxoy c. Elisabeth El\s*y, m- J. W. Mlllor, has daut Diano Millor. 7. Thelma Oinn, m* (1) Shlrloy Kortinl>orry, hnd 3 clu m- (2) _____ Hanan, lives How Orleans, a. Charles Fortinborry b. Dorothy Fortlnlmrry c. b. OacAr S. Olnn, 1070-1921, IwrioU Cuntrovillo, doublo marker, m- Fannie Alfonl. b-1090, still living, had 4 ch: 1. Oocar S. Ginn, Jr., b-1931, d-194i 2. SAmuol D. Ginn, b-May 1929, d"J??ly 1929 3. Lemmie, son of 0. S. and F. L. Oinn, b-Oct. 3, 1910, d-July 23, 1927, all threo children buried Centrevilte, 4. Shelby (linn, WWII Veteran, candidate for 5uj>orvl/ior In Wal thall County, m- Lida Mathewn, has 2 ch: Shelby Jean Olnn, b-July 1956, And Samuol Ginn, b-July 1961. c, Eugene Oinn, b-Feb. 9, 1002, d-Aug. 23, V/6"), unmArried. d, 0. Mavorson Olrm, m? July 1919, Horvoy Willoughby, llvon Bogalusa, La. no ch. e. Rasborry Sebastian Ginn, III, b-Juno 9, 1892,d-Aug. lfl, 1961. Ho waa |>or-sonally interviewed Ami supplied Information on this family in July i960. Ho married Drjcomlwr 1917, to DeAnle Burch, livod on the old homo place in 01 Centrevllle Community, Walthall County, And had two children: 1, Oenova Oinn, it- H. D. Hemel, Jr., lives Hammond, La. 2. Bobble M. Olnn m- (1) Doris Nell Calquhoun, had 1 child, she died and Bobbie m- (2) Caroline Brock, and hAd a child. (Bobby and Caroline soparatod and she married Oscar Hope) a. Robert Wesley Qinn, m- Aug. 11, 1962, Owondolyn Jane Brumfield. Ho graduatod Tylertown High School, attended Southwoat Jr., and l.i now engaged in dAlry farming. b. Marylin Oinn, b-ca 19**7. f, Dora Olnn, died before 1961, m- Patric C. Dillon, hor cousin, page 74, and thoy had childron: Kenneth, Ruth, Modossa, And LAttimore Dillon. g, Horn Oinn, still living In 1961, m- Doc. 1919, Walthall County, Otis T. Alford, son of Needham Alford, no childron. h, Loora Olnn, b-Sept. 10?, I896, d-Nov. 10, 1961, m- July 1919, Walthall County, J. Elisha Fortinborry, eon of Irvin And Lura Allen MAgee Fortinborry. The newspaper notice refers to her ao daughter of R. S. and Courtney Magee Oinn, loft hunlvuid, j non, 2 brothers, 1 slater. 1. J. Elisha Fortinborry, Jr. Itt Iho 1080 census of Plko County, household of Francos Stallings, is ahown "Dirrott" Ginn, mother, ago 66, loading to tho belief that the mottor's nAme in "Mlsoarot" lnntoad of "Missant" as road into the eArlier census. )
Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-42