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SU^SCR / I I /v^'v clg & Z- XCJL JtX F' * ________* :______. ' ?? / 9^- '? /' iption|$2.o6 per year?always in advance. ; DEATH CLOSES LONG AND SEFUL PUBLIC CAREER OF JOSEPH E. SAUCIER Passed ness- I?olluw Touline s ones and morning, first stric (iition be< duced by came as Joseph pence, an early ma Judge Sr called ?.It by all wh During Hancock institutio i n ? with Away In 78th Year of Public Service ,and Useful-?Served Efficiently In Varied Federal, County And City as Well as Private Trusts. ng an jof a compara-itive short time, Joseph1 Evariste Sau-> tier, passi'd away: at the home of his '('aughter, Mrs. FlbrencO Mitchell in 3-rect, sulrrounded by loved close friends at ] :10 Friday February 13, : 193 1. Me was _? < e n with the flu and his con-<ame aggravated, superin-advanc.iid ago, and the end i result.' Kvaristt? Saucier was born in Bay St. Louis 7K years ago and resided in this city bll his life, always ? e public |in | usitions of trust 'For a number of consecutive terms he served the Hay St. Louis He U, No. 5, as justice of the I from these days in his . lhuo.l he was known as rucier and affectionately dire" the balance of bis life i knew him. the incipient years of the "nunty Bank he served that i as assistant cashier, serv- .... the late Cashier Eugene Roberts, me of ihe founders of that institution. When ihe Merchants Iiank was organized ; ome twenty-six years ago, as it may appear, he served as assisln it cashier with George R. Rea. Educated at St. Stanislaus College. he vs a man of figures and excelled in he profession of book-keep-^jing and was an accountant of no mean ability, hence his services in .both banks at different times was to mutual advantage. Hut Ik the ? early Grover C of IUiy S ?manner t us one of rommoda but notably as oi fori' bis banking career, in nineties, under (?resident ciency. Repruscn apnointm Under Saucier ' Bay St. again ser leveland he served the city Louis as postmaster, in a int. stanr'ed him as not only the moslj courteous and ac-ing offiiials of that kind e of unusual effi- ....... , recommended by .ative Stfickdale and the >nt followed. President Wilson, Judge i-as again appointed to tho I.ouis ppstmastership and ed with mark^ ? ability and to tho satisfaction !of all conccj ned. BOXING EVENT IS SLATED St. Stanislaus First Prep-School To Put on Boxing Contest on Coast?February 24. With the exhibition of boxing pro-mis'd for Tuesday night, February 24, St. Stanislaus ushers in the sport to the Coast fans. The Rock-A-Chaws will be the first of the Coast Prep Schools to take on the sport. We are anticipating some keen cora-i petition from Louisiana schools this, season and even from some of xthe east Texas schools, if our patronage warrants our bringing them here. Ten bouts are scheduled for Tuesday night. Plenty of pep will be shown as all are anxious to make the first Rock-A-Chaw team in this line of sport. The weights will range from GO to 1G0. The little fellows will be in there to show what they can do as well as the big boys, for they are as interested to make the i team. The ring has been so constructed and so placed that almost every seat in the gym will be ring-sii?c. Any wishing to make reservations may write or phone the Athletic Director A drop light has been installed u< make the ring conspicuous from every angle. Coach Breath has some thirty boys to pick from for his first bout. Contestants will not be announced until Monday afternoon, February 23. Those who nr?' nt ? r<'sr*nf tryim' for j the team are: Hill Foster, Sam Bal- 1 ? ? ii..1.1... \f,,l I v BAY ST. PASS CHRISTIAN ANNUAL KING AJ QUEEN BALL FC Miss Emelie [Farrell E ful Queen?Elwood bley Gracious Kin and ball wi a setting 1 : royal part ball room i A beautiful ard interestin of the Carnival ;ieason on t Coast and across the bay fi city, was the annual King an Ball at Pass Christian, marl Carnival season. The reception at Grey Castle, ir most fitting. Th: ed the throne and second floor of the castle, s down the great stairway. Fi the heralds. Masters Marlin ? and James Dubuieson, folio pages, Masters J4mes Terri and Phil Ambler,|Jr. Then the king otf the court Bernard Knost, dccompaniec charming queen, iMiss Mar trand. This paruy ltd the the court of 1931,[and steppi came the king, Mr. Elwood accompanied by his royal Miss Emilie Farrejl, who prc picture of regal beauty and loveliness. Dukes were, Bi ford Bell, Farrell, Clyde Lur.dy, Wm. ' son. Fred Sutter, Carl Vick( Maids, Mrs. Ha'.el K. Woi Elmere Sanders, Mis3 Kathei den, Miss Katherine Saucii Peggy Cause, Misfc Katheri throp. Ihis function, the Alumni Societ school of Pass Christian, w an outstanding affair of th The number iji ati endance i and represented .'Society fr< the Gulf Coast, every town tion honoring the court. T was a success from every ar was the second antiual Carn: and ball for Pass Christian. under au: y of the Methodist Missionary Ccuncil To Be Held j Orleans, Fjebruar -----i---- The outstanding mission of the year among! Method tie the fifth annual session i missionary council at New February 24 to 2Gi There will bo dcvotiona Lonal and missionlry add noted speakers Tjho mi i icy and program pf the c )i? ? reviewed in discussions i
Saucier 044