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LAWS OF THE STATE CF MISSISSIPPI. - 1886 (Continued) CHAPTER CCLXXIX. R6.GES I .AM - I iF IMF. K\p( »tlivt» bour<1 Kiorntc order*. Arrc*t without warrants. for tin -s'iid mar'lial, couMahle* and sheriff’ in thii Act, they shall respecti\civ In* entitled to demand and receive *-i»eh fee*. an<| rouijn-n^atiou a^ may be ;i 1 i*»\\«-41 bv ordinance. . Sk<-. 7»V\t Jurthrr enm'U'dt That the mar- shal shall In* tin* executive officer of the board of mavor and aldermen of tin* eitv of Jtav St. I>>uis ; I), shall have such authority and p>wer* within thr corporate limits of.said city as an* now conferred on constables, or which mav be hereafter so conferred by the law* of this State, und lie “hall he lialde to thr -tune jtcnnltic* as constables fur all neglect of dntv, or lor failure to jwv over money collated ; said ritv tnarslml and thr |>nlicc officers of said rity *hall execute all ordinance*, rules and regulation* adopted bv the hoard ot mayor and aldermen and -hall execute all ju«M*e’<s and oIm v all orders i-Mird hv thr mayor of said ritv ; said eitv marshal shall have general MijHTintendcmv of the jndiec and of thr rity prison and j>crform al) duties which mav ho required of him hy said hoard of mavor and al-dermeu. .'{7. Hi- If further ernie(af, That thr ritv niar«h»1 and all |h dice officers of said ritv shall luivr power to arrest all violators *»f the ordinances of Kit id ritv with or without warrant and take them l>efore the maNor for trial, and should thr mav-orV rotirt not In* in session jmthoiis »o arrested may l>e hrld until they etui l>e brought Itefore said mayor, not exceeding tweiitv-fbur hours, except that such jmtsods may hr held from Siturdav until Monday ; the marshal and all police officer* of tin* city shall have all the authority conferred bv law upon auv officer to make arrests for violation* of the criminal laws of this State or to prevent such violation*, ami no officer who in the discharge of his duty '•hull make an arrest authorized by this Art or by anv ordinance of said eitv, shall be liable on account thereof civilly or criminally, notwithstanding it may turn out that thr party arrested was inn<H-ent of auv offense, nor shall .said city or said mayor and afdertuen l>e in anv wav liable therefor. Sk<*. .‘58. He itjnrt/irr enacied, That if anv jn'r- STATK ok M ISMsslVl’I. IW son shall resist, assault, strike or molest or in anv manner interfere with the marshal or any Jiolice officer of said city, while on duty as Mich jwdiec oHirer, or shall aid any jmtsoii who has penalty f..t-iK'eu arrested b\ thr marshal oranv policeman to rrVmtinj; un cscu|H', or who'shall knowingly aid any |>crHon ofowr. who has violated anv ordinance rtf said eitv to escape before arrest, such jterson shall l>c guilty of a misdemeanor and may bo punished therefor as an offense against the State ot* M i-sissippi, and upon conviction mav l>e punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding *** months, ot by l>oth such fine and imprisonment. ' Sw. W. Jir it further nwcit-d, That said lw»ard of mavor and aldermen shall luive power by or-ilinamv t.> levy uiid roll.Mt for corporation “,rp0r' purpose: first, a tax not Yxeeecling one jm t centum tuf ratorem of all proptirty, real, |H*rsonal mid mixed, simated or Ik>longing in siiid city, including the value of all goods, ware** and mer-cltamlisc, monev loatusl, on hand or on deposit, debts probably collrctibleand lH»nds, certificates, >farmiits, seri]> and all other forms of indebtedness or seruritv ; alno, weeoud, to levy and collect for <*orjxiration purjx»8eH a j>rivilege tax upon all i>riviiog4> tax. business, tmdea, cmploymetiU, I’allings, ootMipa-ti(m.", (MTsons, things aud proj»erty in said city, except insurance, sh'cping-enr, teh^raph and ex-eonn«mi*M ujNin which the State of Mississippi does now or shall hereafter impose a privilege or licrnse tax, not to exceed, however, fifty per (vntum of the State privileffe tax, and ujmui all others not hereinafter c.s|>eciully d(*signated, of ^ to uhatsoever eharactcr or dencription said Umnl rent shall from time t4> time by ordinance designate, tax. whether tin* same be so tax<*d by the State oruot, and mav issue license therefor in such manner and form and for such length of time, not to exceed one year, as said l>oard may determine, and establish regulations governing their conduct and enforce the same bv pp»iN*r |>cnalties ; sai<l lnwirtl sludl a!*o have power, third, to tax and license a- a privilege and regulate alt theatres, circuses, >h*'W“, exhibititui^, concert' or other places of
BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(10)