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IAWS OF THE STATE OF 10ESIS3IPPI - 1886 (Continued) CHAITER CCTJ'XTX. PAGES IJJ.-U5 411 l.\W* OK TH K Vehielr* and ktables. Void contract. mints mcnt or einertaimcnt when a fee i-charged for admis-ion mid not devoted exclusive! y to educational, lsiievolcnt or religious pnr-in said city ; all hacks, mrriages, omnibuses, carts, wagon-, dray* and h 11 other carriers for hire of what-ocver mime or description, fruit -hoftsand stables, oyster-house^and stalls, shingle and lumber yard-, iM»al and wood \ards, i<*e-houv- and Vactorics ; fourth, the priveleges fiere-in taxed may Ik' enforced by proper [tcnalties and -hall be jsrsonal and not transferable, and such li«*ense snail not exempt from taxation anv pro|MTty u*ed in tin business liccn-cd except such as is now exempt bv thin State, and all contracts made with anv |s*rson with referent* to anv business U|Ktn which a privilege tax is impos'd and has not In^on puid, shall be void so far only ax the jierson currying on *nch husino*** without paving such tax shall base anv claim* iifxm them. WH*. /«' it further mactrrf, Tlmt in the matter of as.-»essmcnts of real and |>ersonuI property iu the city of Bay St. I^oiuk, and the levy of taxes and tin* sale ofprojM*rtv ujsm the non-payment of taxes; tbe city assessor and tax-collector .-hall haveall the|>owers,and hisduti'>sshall Ik*the same, as far a?* practicable, as thecountv assessor and tax-collector under the laws of the fctatc, and all projMTty, real andpersona! in said city, -hull be a-sesscd every year; and the board of mayor and aldermen shall lmve all the power*, and their duties shall lie the same, so far irs practicable, as the t>oards of suj>ervisors of the counties under the law" of the State, except that the time anti place of meeting of the said Inmrd of mavor and aldermen shall ta immaterial ; and in the matter l*p»eni >iuii- Mf collection of taxes, advertisement and sale of lar to cuuntr .... « • .. , officers. ’ Pn,lH‘r'} «nu the execution of eonvcyanees, and in all other remedies for the enforcement and jwv- ment and collection of taxes, the eitv assessor and collector, so far a- applicable,-hall have all the |*owcrs and I he duties shall Im* the same a«» sheriff as tHXH’olliH'tor of the cotmtics; that the cit\ a*se--or and tax-collcctur of taxes, and the side of projHTty for the non-jiavment thereof, may u-e tin- original a—nient rolls, t>r a fair Dalit* nor and tax-collector. HTATE OF MlftMssim. <s>pv thereof to be [made by] the city .and such sales shall be made by Aaid coHt'cti* at tin-front of the city ha]I in aaid cit% ; t»» th* pur- Ta*-culU< t-chaser of realty at such tax sales,'the nty ***■*- or»*a!i>. sor and tax-collector shall execute conveyance in the form, a* near as applicable, a* that prewribrd by law for a State anil county tax collector’* conveyance, and such couveyane'e shall onlv Ik» invalidated for the name cause* or ground* that a State and county tax-collector’* conveyance may l>e; such conveyance by the cityaMeAtKir and tax-collector shall, by him, as soon after the aale as practicable be left with the city clerk, when* <’onveJ»"P«* they shall remain for one year from the day of wiufoterk Hale, during which time the owner or any penon oneym interested may redeem the same by nuying the amount for wftich said realty wm aolu with ten per centum damages thereon, for the benefit of the purchaser at such sale ; in case the Kame is not redeemed within the time above mentioned the title to the property shall vest absolutely in the purchaser, aud the city Mecrctary shall deliver Auch conveyance to such purchimcr; and in ca#ie the property is struck off to the city of Bay -|*-ltie t0 Test St. I»uis, which the ass<vssor and tax-collector after odo whall do in the full amount due thereon is not y**r bid aud ]>aid, the title to the property on failure to redeem as aforesaid, rihall vest absolutely in the city of IJay St. Ijouia, aud the same may be used, dU|K>seu of or conveyed in such manner and on auch terms as said board shall bv ordinance or rcMolution direct; all of which the said l»oard is hereby granted full power and authority to do ; the eitv of I Jay »St. I^mis or its vendees, R. or any imrclioser at such sale for eitv taxes shall have all the rights and remedies for enforcing such title as the State or her vendees or any purchaser at a sale for State and county taxes. Hw. 41. JU' it faHhrr t'tmcU'd, That after the day for payment of taxes, t«nwit : the fifteenth (1 ■*») day of F)eeemU’r of each year, there shall lie \;, added damagt's at ten per <*entum thmi<>u; and
BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(11)