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Sarah Jackson to Rachel Jackson Lawrence
Clifton June 13th /59
My precious Love
I am not in debt to you but as I know you will be pleased to hear we are all well, I have..determined to write a few lines, you must take the will for the deed I have nothing to tell you and you must therefore only expect that nothing. I am about to complain of all of you. Sami, has been absent now upwards of six weeks, and excepting the little note addressed to me from New Orleans I have not recieved a line from him. the two business letters he wrote to your Pa I do not consider any thing, for they were of necessity. I did not expect to have been so little thought of, in my desolate solitary abode, but I will not multiply work. how are you my darling child, and how are the little ones. also Aunt Marion. I wrote to her the day or two after I recieved her letter, but it laid a week before I had an opportunity of sending it. I wish she would write to me telling me every thing about you all. how I long to hear. I have recieved only her one letter since she and Sami, left us, except yours which was written before they started from here. if you only could imagine my anxiety, and my indiscribable disappointment when week after week the papers are handed in and no letters. my heart sinks until it can find no lower depth to rest upon. I do not expect you my darling to fatigue your self writing your children, house hold affairs &c &c are sufficient apology, but Sami, is unpardonable. Johnny too owes me a letter. I know mine to him are not worth the trouble or consideration a few lines would cost him, but it would be an act of Christian

Jackson Letters 045
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