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charity to write to me, if only to flatter me into the belief I am remembered kindly?but to be lonely and forgotten is more than a sensitive heart can bear. I wrote to Sami, a few days after he left us. also one to you & one to the Dr. but have not heard if any of them reached their place of destination. I did not send up Saml.s coat by Mr Griffen I did not know he was going-to leave so soon. I also thought it would not reach Nashville in time, as we were looking for Sami, to return every day and indeed al the time since the last of May?for we had not heard that he intended to prolong his visit. if Johnny will see Mr Griffin he will tell him how delighted he is with this country. he prefers it to Nashville he says. tfi^bui;ldingeis?ready*-for us. John & Phil are finishing the painting, but I do not know when we will move, your Pa cannot attend down here and live up there it will be very fatiguing for him, and I must necessarily be very much alone, unlesss he can procure a good overseer, which I fear would be a very unwise step. I will endeavor to induce him to remain here, all our intrest is here, and every thing depends on this crop?it is very promising now. the fields are full of blooms, and many bolls. we had blooms on the fifth and sixth of this month. in some places the cotton is more than half waist high, but we need rain. I fear we will have a severe dry spell, but I trust in Providence. Willis Claiborne is a candidate for the legislature he is of course but little at home. I expect he will be elected, the family all very kind Mrs Claiborne has sent me several messages, begging me to come up and stay with her until we get moved, but I fear that would make her twice glad, for if your Pa can be persuaded we will remain here. the mosquitoes are some days a little [illeg] but most of the time we have none. the
Jackson, Samuel letters 047