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Shoffner History.
operating a farm in Bedford County, lie is now connected with a large lumber business in Virginia. He was a member of the Brown low State (iuards at the close of I lie war. He married Bettie Heaves in ISO!), and has two children at home and three married.
Ann I'L, the oldest girl of Michael Sholfner, was married to .Jordan Holt, who served in the I'nion Army during the Civil War, and was also a member of the Brownlow Slate (Iuards. They moved from Bedford County to Grapevine, Texas; and their children and grandchildren now reside in that State and Indian Territory.
.Mary .Jane Shoffner married Milton Phillips, who was a captain in (lie l?ederal Army, serving in the Fifth Tennessee. Horace, their eldest son, was a verv stu-(lions boy; sucm'ilcd wvll in school; and afterwards ? taught, school several years in Mississippi, where he died/Of,, in 1S!> 1. Of the two children living, one is in Xasli- ^ yjJJji and the other in Columbus, Kan. ~	^	1	??	'
Emma Sholfner, the next daughter, married .Toliil Moore, who was 'Fax Assi?ssor for several vears in the Third District, of Bedford Countv. 'I?hcir oldest son.
Arch S. Moon*, is a partner in the lumber firm of Shoffner & .Moore, llonaker, Va.
Christina Lee Sholl'ner married Maclin IT. (I\ie) Davis, who died in 1S9S. She now lives in Tullahoma, 'l'enn. Ewin, her oldest son, is a successful lawyer of Tullahoma. is chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee' of Coffee County, and was presidential elector for his district, in the last election. Xorman, the

Shofner, John and Descendants 047
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