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or TIC ‘TATE of :rtsrr"SIFrI. - 1S86 (Continued) r ccixax. .agp's 450-:*. *3
NWS "1- I ill
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I.mblf (ot making ai* lowinc*-* not nuthorizcd.
Maj work delmq'i* nt.i «*n fttretu.
Major* ,ii»-truism.
and .ill «Ii«*inl»rly and haud\ • t»->*!-«**• orans hou-e «*r bu-iii'-- i>r conduct a^ain-t ^"od moral- nr (In*	mtiI*	r	**t *uid ritv, and to puui-h the
r» «*r proprit for- ot Mich Im'Um'j* **r jM'r-on* who ►hall carry ou micIi Im-im and to prohibit tIn- n htifiir <»r bttingof jut\ hou*c, room <»r Tcn>m< nt f*>r anv of ihe piirpo-i« nforoaid. or w ith know!, dg» that thr !*amr i- to In- *0 u>< d, ami fo |i»o\i.|i fir tin* sri/ure and d*-tnirtion of an\ krainin^ implrmrnt*, Uiblr- or paraphernalia ; tiflmith. ifKtid hoard of inav«r and aldermen '•hall appropriate ans money »*r allow any claim tor anv public work, contract or object whatM»> e\ < r, m*t authori/* d I * v thi« A11 and a prt viotis order of *aid lH»ard, thr member- of *aid hoard -hall In* |* r*<nially and jointU :md -ev» rallv liable tor the amotint of said appropriation or allowance to Ih1 recovered by suit in the name of their su«*i*e-Hors in other, hut anv im-mln r of Kiid Hoard may Ik* discharged from liahilitv in imv such Miiit hv plea an<l proof that hr \«»t* d again*! such unauthorized appropriation or allowance of money, and any memU-r on drmand shall ha\e his vote recorded 011 thr minute> of tl*o hoard on any <[urstion of appropriation or allowance of im*m v for anv purine* whatsoever.
Ski . 13. /it it further enocted, That anv person or |nthoii** who .shall l>c <*onviet« d of violating any of tin' l:tw*.and ordinances of ?*aid eitv ami who shall tail or neglect to pav such fine and ro^t* as may have been imjx*M-d iijmhi him or tlirm, the mayor shall have power to commute the puni-hment *0 ordered and adjudged hv him to that of laltor 011 the Mreet* or other public work" of said city* at a ratr per diem to in' fixed hv the lx>ard of mayor and aldermen until such tines ami com* are jiaid, and am person or |m r--on- who shall he convicted of violating anv of th*» laws and ordinances a* aforc-aid ami who -hall have Ixsn sentenced to imprisonment therefor, the nun or -hall have |»ower and it shall U in his discretion to commute said sentence of imprisonment to that of lalmr on the streets a* aforrsid at tin- ratr of one dav's -nteix^1 for rad 1 davV ^ork, and -aid mavor and aldrrtnen shall
lo I
make surh rulrsand ny:ulations a»» air n.ri'..J,r\ lor ih*- rnfortt‘m» nt of thi» x’rtioii.
Sk* . I I. H*- it further Mioo/iW.That -nid l»>ar«l of mayor and alderman shall have fu!l|«>\\er and anthorit v to HMjuin- tin ow m r of any lot adjarrnt toanv puhlU’ sin*«t or liij{h«ay to roMstruet, n-jMiir and krrp in oitirr nt thrr\jMii-r of Midi ounrr, a smooth, dry and firm .'idcualk or |«vr-mrnt of Mich width and of Midi material a--hall he prrM-rilH'd hv said ln*artl of mavor and ald< rnieiif adja<rnt to »»r fronting the lot or prnn-1-4^ of Miirh o\\ner ; or to eoustrurt. ivjiair and k*s*p in onlrr such M-wei>, gutters, drain> ••!■ ditrhrs as shall hr nrrr*«girv to dmin such lot; and !*aid hoard shall give notice to Mirh owner, in writinjr, to <^in.'tnn t or repair -uch walk, pjisr-ment, sewrr, gutter, ditrh or dmin within »mhic nni'-ouahle timr to hr fixtsl in surh m»tier, and in ni*e of a failure to rompN w ith >u<‘h r<*«jtor* -mentH, snid Untrd ot ma\or and aldeniH'n mav raiifM- such work to Ih dour at the cx|« nse oi such lot owner, and thr o^t thereof' shall hr a lien u|»ou surh lot; suit may Ih* brought for the amount of such cost U fore any court havim: jurixlirtiou of theumount, or hefon* the mayor, when the amount of sueh cost is less than one hundred and fifty dollars ; the proceeding* hrforr <-ni<l mayor shull U* eoudtiet4*<l as in enseh U'fon* a justhv of the |H*a<*e, and the jiidpnentofthc <stiirt, in tiise it finds f«>r the city, shall condemn tin- lot ii[M>n whidi such costs is a lein, to U> s<»hl hv tin* projier officer, to |mv such judgment and costs; ♦•ither jmrty may a}>}N*ul to the circuit <*ourt, pr»>vi«led the lot owner shall fjive anap|Mal hond, as in ea*es In fon* justice^ of the jKiice.
Sw, lo. fie it further rnacfett, That whenever it shall heroine ncecsKirv or exiHMlient, in the discretion of s;iid lx>anl of mavor and aldermen, to layout, alter or cxtrnd any public street, alley, highway or road within the limits of Kai<l city, if utiy ol»je<*tioi1s U* ma«le thereto hv the «iwtH*r or owner* of the land or proj>crty through which, or over which »uch street, alley, highway or road will pa**, or it shall Iks’oiuc nc<v**<ir> or expedient to take, use or <K*eupy any gitmtnl or
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« I nalk«.
S.-wi-ri. am-ter? et*:.
Wfvre major
for itrteu.

BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(14)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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