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^•^isuuiffeNi 10th day of «vS
^fHlflTATl 07 Klf 83IPPI
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h^hoock corair
■■. • ’:*. ;i' - ■ -*. ^ between Honor A F«^eblieui Jr« of tha Pouaty.. a
sail, of the first part and Semproniua fiusa of th?!|
T * •	-	;	&
Red Hirer, State of Louisiana of the ieoond part/f'; that whereas the said party of the first part art -ii
* ' {
to the said party of the seoond part in the penal f
£jne Thousand dollars evidenced by two promissory flO 'bearing even date herewithin letters and figures al i
Twelve months from date I promise to pay Sempra
Ruaa, or order, five hundred dollars payable at th0^ em Bank of the City of Hew Orleana, State of Louili with 8 per oent Jmterest per annum, for value reoeiVl Bay ^ouis, Hiaa.
June 10th. 1076	Signed Honore* F. Deblij
Two years from date I pronuae to pay 3emproniu*^j or order, fire hundred dollar a payable at the Mouthers & of the City of New Orleans, dtate of Louisiana, with 8'^
per oent interest per annum for value received.	f
. !
Bay St. Louis, ^iaa	_
Ju^e 10th, 1876	rrtn a r\ Ifnnn^A * TT * Pebiieusfrj
Signed Honore1 F. DeblieflX
And being deairous to aeoure the prompt payment of notea with the interest that may aoorue thereon,
party of the first part for and in oonaider ition of to|| preaiaes and of the aum of one dollar to him in- hand by said party of the aeoond part, the reoeipt of whiOjj hereby aoknowledged have given, granted, bargained)
'■np3en-ta give, grant, bargaix*».||
'-V. --

Gulfside Methodist Assembly Russ---Deblieux-deed-(8)
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