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ED WiltE REPORT—NEA HKRVICE— TEN I'AGES (ED ING ER Ro*eH on the P^nln/f nr) irrnni] Hotel, li and Inml-thou-Ilhen-, Lft. hun-b arc n the ! over plants ic bo->penr- »rden^ e cpr-' visl- r. St. cities Const ny to »t t i n jc lit or lit of Rolf nnd of n t thr f the them C im--’(Irc-Iryn-■s nl-unlly ■vind-ifllm!' i-nter ;nKcd cam- mild- I’ark onies rcinl ;rnm •will nviif park AUS81S8IPPI (X)AST. MONDAY A FTERNOON, T>i:CKMnER 2< PINE HILLS HOTEL IMPRESSES ALL WITH ITS MAGNIFICENCE Everyone •who hna viewed Pine IJills Ilolel is most enthusiastic over the really nmicnlficent building and it1' more tlinn usually beautiful fur-i»I«liInc!«. Tho stockholder* who viewed the building «t the reception nnd iimped ion Saturday nii;ht believe that they have achieved by the Miort ; ot liny St. IxmiK one of the finest resort hotels in the country. • Orent numbers of Const people from Mobile to New Orleans nnd all joints between motored to th|ihotel yesterdav and ninny viewed the note!. j 11*1 Thompson, president of (lie h<>-tel company and munnccr of the hotel, stated thin morning that the lintel is open to the public for inspection and (but visitor* are heartily welcome, tlint there are puides present at all timrB to conduct visitors through the buildlnc, and tlint the hotel people deBire the people of the ConM, tourists and visitors from ull parts of tbe country to view this exceptionally fine hotel. Mr. Thompson 1P-- ing i delivered by Curl Marvhtll of Hny Kt. Louis, stato senator from this district, who talked! on future opportunities on tlio Mississippi const and complimented financial* backer* of the Pine Hills project on the ■wonderful development taklnfc placo on the 2300 acres of land owned by the company. Mr. Marshall predicted tlint many other hotel projects would follow the lead of Pine Hill*, and the Kdgewater Gulf, another resort hotel between Gulfport and Hlloxl, which Is to open January ]0, Guests at the reception Saturday night, a majority of whom came from New Orleans Saturday afternocjn ' by special train, were given an Opportunity to Inspect the hotel, with! all details of construction and plans of operation being explained by Mr.jThomp-son. ' | .* I^leutenant-Governor Ix-iinl* Mur-phrce was present at the imnquet • to extend the well wishes ofj the state. Hal Thompson also was SUSPEND WORK PAN-AMERICA PLANES TO H( OFF TOMORRI ON CHEST FUND UNTIL JANUARY : ■ — n Community Chest Cnnipalpi. for KiimM Suspended - Until After Christinas Holidays—Solicitation Will Refin Again January .10. I ------ ! ! Suspension until tfnntinry 3S of tlie Gulfport Community Chest Fund cam-pai^n was announced this rnoniitic bJ R. Lee Simpson, genernl chairman of the campaign, Tollowinp his notification of field forces at work ifor the fund, that no further efforts were expecteduntil the ChrixtmnM nod New Year sennona were definitely past. The* Community Chest Fund drive opened, last Thursday, after a brief preliminary preparations, nnd vils d«>- •y* i (Courtesy Klnj’s Real Psthte News) « staled tint the Kucsts nre l>«'*riiinintc to arrive nnd tluit hy the Intler part of January the hotel will be well filled with tourists from many sect ions of America. NEW PINE niLLS Il6TEL MM irri m:, 11 111 -* * inf. and slder ilur-s III it In sday ttle-:tlon and tho This the wide side 111 o . but the > be the FORMAL RECEPTION FOR STOCKHOLDERS i (Gordon Huff In Tlmcs-Plcayune) Pass 1 Christian, Mies., IJec. — A formal reception Saturday night for stockholders In tho Pine 11llls-on the-I’.ay developemenl on the northern chore of Day St. I.ouis near hero irked tho official opening of I'lne IIIlls hotel, one of the largest and most elaborate all-year resort hotels In tho South, and’the-first ©f-thei new hotels to be opened on tho Mississippi coast. The hotel will bo opened tor registration of guests Monday and, accoHlInc to Hal Thompson, president of the Hotel operating Company, who Is active manager of the business, accommoda t Ions ar» exhausted! for January and February with a large number of guests registered for tho sprint; and summer months. The banquet Saturday night was presided over by J. I* Onorato, president.of Pino Hills, Inc., as toastmaster ‘with the principal address be- The I’lno IIUIs project, which includes the slle of the old Mexican Gulf Country Club at Shell Delicti, Is hacked principally by N'ev/, Orleans capitalists, many of whom Have purchased residential Kites In tho subdl- signed to Inst two dnys, with a goal of SIMKXJ set fpr the workers. ' Team* cboseii from the ranks of Gulfport men and women, drawn: from f. > ranks of meli's and women's- civic »nd social organization*, worked vision Pine Hills, Inc., is the parent | faithfully Thursday, Friday nnd Sat- company with tho hotel headed by Hal Thompson as a subsidiary. Officers and directors In I’lne Hill* Inc., all of whom mo New* Orleans me;), me: J. J.. Onorato, president: Jtjirry l^itter, vlce-prenldetit ;l Mike S. Hurt, vlce-presl'lent; Kred '■ IJrench-ley, seer,. t:iry - treasurer. Directors are: Joseph K. Ilium of f-atter and.Ulum, real extate; Mr. lJrenchlty. vlc<j-presl-dent rtn>) " llsnk nnd TruVt ‘ Company; W. J. I'ltzKlbbons, matiaper of Morris and Company; Mr. Hart, Stonewall Jackhon of Jackson forwarding and welKhlnp concem;[A. C. ICaniiner, uttorney; Will It. OOUKlas, Mr. I^itler, Hu^li McL’loske; , ijn'esl-deril McCloskey Htotheis; Mr. Ono-I'ato, W, I'. SlinpMon, preside itf-C. T. I’atleison and Company; ]>l|far H. Stern, l>-hman, Stern fc^td.; Mr. Thompson, HuKh Vlncei t, J capitalist; S. Odenhelmer, preside it,; hdnc Cotton Mills, and J. IX O’Keetfe, v^e-presldent, Whitney-Central National bank. iirdnv, but werj finable to stem ’ the tide of Christmas nctivitiep. AVork-ers, thcmselvoH jswnmped with Yule-tide service ob|ii;ntions, found fre-Tuently that solji’itntion for the fund wns met with rl'Muests for delnj until nfter the of 'the yenr. ^ The reopening dale of January will fall on Tuesday, nnd the working teams will be culled into consultation. se.vcriil. ilajs.bcfpro tb«t ,tin\e« to outline a cntnpnisn that will'Con1 tiinie until the mark of $11,(X10 Mhnll he readied, Mr. Simpson Hnid» 1 j APPREHEND BAD SANTA’S VISIT ! CHECK ARTIST NOW ASSURED SANTA CLAUS AT CROWNJTHEATRE Annual Distribution to He Held In Illloxi Thratrell'YIday Afternoon (At •J O'Clock—To'fiive Pro^rnm. il.v 1)0 \v - “I)enr ilittle cbihlren of the I)n Herald ijoll A 'j’oy Fund, I will at t 1m* Grown Tljeatre on AVest lit nrd Avenue oil Friday nflernoon promptly ]nt - o^clock to conductI the annunl dLstrihution of toys nnd ilber good tilings for those who nre renlljv ill need -Mid I’-ho nre hein~ !■”'li"- Bejfinnlnc of Array'* 2<).lK>0 (>ood-Wlll Flitht Pirstponet of For—Myers Kxp< A’isit Twenty Countries. (Hy The Associated Tree* Duncan I'leld, San Antonio :’0.—Po*t|>onenieiit of the I’an-y csn flight until 9 o’clock Ti niornlnir was announced by II. A. Darcue, flight comtnanc 1 o’clock this afternoon. The planes will be towed Duncan to Kelley Kield where will b« cleaned up and made for tomorrow 's I light, Major guo naid. f<aa Antonio, Teyas, Dec. ;< —"I’og early today threatened i lay the start of the Army's tnllc Pan-American flight from can Field near here. Whllo thi blllty at dawn apparently was Uy\n It has'been during the la: days, a! fln<j mist indicated chinge could be expected before when tho flvo huge planes are duled to hop off for Hrownsvll Atmospheric conditions havo vented final testing of tho i which were loaded Saturday all the equipment and supplies fled. With tho official forecas today Indicating more rain, the ther officer of tho flight said was a possibility that thy uns conditions would continue for a He pointed out however, that o few minutes of good visibility be necessary to permit the plan start. Major Ilerhart A. 1'argue, mander of tho expedition said night that It wa* prubablo the off would be niadi? on a con runway at Kelley Field, near mile from the hangars where ships have been tuned and pronoi on the perfect flying trim. One i of the most delicate of numerous t isks on the prograr preparation for the long air vo was accomplished when the cf ment pack for each plane had safely stowed In the narrow Hull the. hulks. The pack, which Includes, an other things, 1H4 pounds of tools, etiors, ropes, buckets, funnels, similar equipment and 75 pound wenrlng apparel for the men placed so It would not move bounce about when the ship sir water, and yet has to tie depos so It will not displace the Centel /gravity of the rhlp. No camcriis of any kind will t/lken. In an official statement f hfadquarlet s It was explained t since this Is a goodwill tour tho pi do not want friendly nations t will visit, to llilnlc that the fll may bfl m:ip-maklng tour or an ex cl 11 Ion to father secret lnformatloi The plans will carry letters ft President Coolldge to tho preside of nil the countries to bo visit These letters will bear the natio official greetings and ^lessages friendship. They also will bo m sages from tho five cities for wh the planes are named, .Now \o Detroit, St. Ixiuis, San l'rjnclsco a San Antonio. j Major Darguo said jtliesc preside Hal messages nnd t;ho flight Its will help to break down internatloi barriers and to encourage air tra’ In tho countries visited. V-’d: i.'r’ie >•.-fi! oarrv nt the *!•’
Pine Hills Document (048)