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the state?but I do not make any very large calculations, and if I have enough .to satisfy the demands of nature for the few years of life that remain to me, I should be thankful?I have written my nothing and now will close?and that God may be your God, and may bless in every thing that can be considered a blessing, or that will the happiness of yourself my darling precious one, or the the happinesss or comfort of any one or of every one of your dear ones is the sincere prayer of your affectionate mother.
Sarah Jackson [Andrew Jackson Jr. to Rachel Jackson Lawrence]
P s
My dear Daughter,
I will add a few lines for Sami?which please read to him? if with you?I enclosed him on the 30 of last month $50.00 to come down on?say to him it is very late now in the season, and the best route for him will be to take the Car's at Nashville for Memphis?then take the Packet to Vicksburg?and then he gets a steamer to the Jefferson rail road on Lake Ponchatrain & from thence over here?he can thus avoid coming by or thro the city of N Orleans?the Steamer A J Brown is now running?carrying Passengers from Bayou [illeg] to the terminus of the road at Jefferson Depot on Lake Ponchatrain or he can stop at the grand junction [Tenn] & come all the way by the Cars & a little staging say about 40 miles?Tell Sami, to sell the gin?it is [illeg] worth $125.00 or a splendid new gin & take as near that as he can

Jackson Letters 048
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