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•VE or TH;’ STATE OP MISSISSIPPI. - 1HB6 {Conti nurd) CHAPTER CGLXXIX. PAGES 02-C53 I.AMS OF TH K V proper!' in siideitv for any public use whatever, till' «aid board -hali endeavor t<i purchase au<l pav for tin- -<iin*'a reasonable price,or ajjnv with the owner it i>wtiers »f Mich property mi the amount to lie paid for such property, or for the use or oeeutiation thereof, but it they cannot agree with the owner or iiwnprs thereof, or the guardian of minor', then it shall lie lawful lor Jmtt mar the circuit clerk ol Han**ock county, on the jieti- «. « t|(in ,,[• the said hoaril of mayor and aldermen to i>- sue a warrant to the sheriff of said county fully describingthe premises, requiring him to summon a jurv of twelve disinterested freeholders t<i meet him on -aid land or premises, not low* than ten nor more than twenty days from the 'late of mi id warrant, and if any of said juror* shall fail to attend at the time and place, the sheriff shall in-stanter summon as many us may tie necessary to make a jurv ol twelve freeholders to act as u jurv of in<|iic«t id damages to whom the sheriff shall administer an oath to truly and justlv value the land sought to lie condemned, or the damages the owner thereof shall sustain for the use of tin Owners to be ■‘nmc ; anil at the same time the sheriff shall suui-•mnmontxl mon the owner or owners, or hU or her or their legal rcjircnentatives oragent, by personal notice in writing, or by leaving a copy of such notice at the usual plair of residence of the ]»rty at least fiv? iluys previous to the meeting of kaid jurv ; or if the owner or owner* be non-residents, then bv mailing a copv of said notice to the respective address ot such owner or owners at lea-t ten davs previous to the meeting of said jurv : the jury shall then proceed to value the premises nought to lie taken, aswess the value of the land, or till- damaecs the owner may sustain for the use thereof, reduce their inquisition into writing and severally -igti the same, which verdict or inquisitions of the jury, together with said Rrt irn 10 summon-and his return thereon, and all other cmuit court, tliitt come to hi- hands in these proceed- ings, the said sheriff shall return to said clerk of said I in-nit court of said county, and the sumc -hall lie cotiliriuisl by said circuit court at its tir-t t'Tin alter -aid inquest, either party to -iieli fcTATK OK M IsslssI I'l'I. proceeding shall have the right of ap|ieal to the Supreme Court, under such regulations as are pri-scrilH>d by law for appeals in other cases from the circuit court, and the party against whom filial judgment mav be rendered in the sti|»rior court shall ray all costs of the proceedings nh initio ; for the services rendered as above the said clerk shall receive three dollars, the sheriff six dollars and the jurors one per day each, all of which shall be puid out of the treasury of said eity. Sfx'. Hi. Be it further t'nnrlitl, That the Ixiard of mayor and aldermen of said city, in addition to the jurisdiction hereinliefore conferred upon them over roads and highways in said city limit*, shall have and posses* entire and exclusive control and jurisdiction over all front or lieach banks in said corporatcd limits; they shall have |mwvr to direct ami require any pm|srtv-liulder w ho owns the front or beach to keep the same iu constant repair at his own exjiense, and in case the same shall at nny time become damaged from the effect of storms or washes, they shall require and direct the owner thereof to rejmir the same at his ow n expense, by a certain time or date, to lie designated by said board, and if he shall fail or refuse to repair the same w hen so ordered and dircct<*l, he shall l>c subject to n fine ol not mon- than fifty dollars, and the Isiard nmv have the same repaired at the expense of the jmrty owning il, and recover the expense from said owner by suit to be brought before the mavor, when the amount is less tliau one hundri'd and liftv dollars, or other court having jurisdiction, and upon judgment lieing obtained, so much of the lands and premises of the owner so refusing to repair his Imnk as may lie necessary shall lie sold by the projs-r officer to pay -aid judgment and all costs, or in case the roads Imi-oiiic damaged, narrow or impassable on account of wash-iug awav and nnn-n-|inir of the said front or Is-aches aforesaid, the lioard of mayor and aldermen iijsin the continued refusal of the owner to nqmir the ,-anie, may elect to move the road further from the waters’ edge, and to this end CYat* of pro* cw;iliuip .furiniictiun over bench Compel r<*' pair? Suit a^ainM owner m«.virus]
BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(15)