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MISSISSIPPI 2G7 the guns of Ins prize on the other gunboats and fired several shot previous to striking the American colors. The action contin-ued with u nab a ting- severity until 40 minutes past 12 o?clock, when -,|t terminated with the surrender of No. 23, all the other vessels hav- SnLPH%VI0USHyAr ilUO the hands of the enemy-? Lieutenants V Spedden and McKeever were also wounded, Spedden losing an ; 17"?aind \ considerable number of men were killed and wounded ..The British reports show 45 boats, with 43 cannon, engaged. Capt' ^er r'P?rted !hat his bar^ that fought Jones? boat, he was severely wounded and most of hi? officers and crew were either killed or wounded. He succeeded only by the aid of the Tonnant?s ' anrf 7"U ^Ut; ^atHa11- The total British loss was 17 killed . and 7i wounded, including the captain and 15 officers. For his victory Lockyer was promoted to command of the captured flotil-- la, and Montressor,_ in temporary command, at once made use of ?frC?re,possess!on,of Lake Borgne. (See Latour?s Historical : T?lr ai?,d aPPend>>0 The advance guard of the infantry was p" . rl ? anX f ? a S?a11 swampy spot at the mouth of the Pearl river, on December 1G, and was joined there bv Maj.-Gen keane and Admirals Cochrane and Codrington on the next dav ?thf?aHnn rn'Hempm- fr?0f the camPai?n ShiP ^land harbor was" ' ? tl0n 01 tlle Brtish fleet, under Vice Admiral Cochrane, whose WfS i6 ^onnant- S0 &uns> Rear Admirals Codrington Tseventv TlttCr 01 Wh?'u Carried his fla* on the RovaI ^k, a seventy-tour There were three other ?seventv-fours? in this n?c5?niPP- -a: ther,Xor^e? Bedford, Raminies, and Asia; the Seven sh<in,SIXthy'I0UI?? Dl?mede of fifty> Gord?n of fortv-four, and eleven ships whose guns were in the thirties, besides'ten others or interior armament. Some of these great m^-of-war were hen or anerwards tamous in the annals of sea fighting .K.r> rot TT f! *T? tryy. 11? 1 1 vt\ ?arar ~T ? ? ? *
Battle of 1814 5