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"In tho Court of Probate of Hancock County (Miss.) To the Dacomtar Term A.D. l8?6. To the Honorable J. W. Winningbam, Judge of Prob&te cf Hancock County, State of Mississippi.
"In tha Matter of tha Estate of Genevieve Nicaise, deceased, by Pierre Saucier, Ada. de Conis Non & c.
"The petition of Piarra Saucier, admr. de Conis non, of all and singular the good? ?nd chattels, rights and credits, which were of G?n<svie ve Hicaise at the tiiua of her death, and which rewain unaduiniatered; respectfully represents, unto your Honor:
"That his inttr^Site the eaid Genevieve Nicaiea dscaased. di?d possasaod among other personal property of three certain Negro tuon, ala\>j for life, discribod (aic) as follows: Jin, a negro saan ag#d about 3^	1|0	years; Gustave, a negro
man aged about 2f> yaara and Paul, a negro man agad about 23 yaara, which thro? negroes constitute the whole of the slaves belonging to said intestate at the time of her death, who are	to be divided, fir&t	into	thirteen equal parts	or
shares,	and	two	of thote parts or	shares, will have to	bo
subdivided one shara into five parts or shares, and the other into four parts of t&h^ros, between the heirs et law of aaj.d inteatato, consisting of the following persons, to wit:	lit Joseph Nicaiue, 2nd Cor&stie Nicaise who has inter
married with iPierre Morin, 3rd Evariste Nicoise, l|th Bazilic Nicaise	who	has	intermarried	with	Louis Dubuisson, 5th	Airade
Nicaise	who	has	intermarried	with	Lucien Morin, 6th Eliza
Nicaise, dcD, who bad intermarried with your petitioner, ? Pierre Saucier, and who haa left five minor children, to wit John Saucier, Anatole Stuciar, Pierre Saucier, Napoleon Saucier, and Kvarista Saucier, 7th Gatien Nicaise, deceased, who has left one minor ?on, to wit:	Neitna (?) (or Hairaa?)
Nicaise, 8tb Clamant Nicai&e deceased, who haa left four minor children to wit:	Fhilomene Nicaise, Roraain Nicaise,
liugene Nicaise and Colina nicaise, 9th Edwsrd Nicaise, 10th Anatole Kicaiue, 11th Keloiae Nicaise who has intermarried with Philip Saucior, Jr., 12th Octavie Nicaise, who has intermarried with Jeoqua* LIzenna, 13th Pierre Nicaise, all of whom are the children or grandchildren of said intestate.
"Your petitioner would fvrther represent unto your honor, that a division of said shares in kind is absolutely impossible; therefore h? alleges and insists that to enable him to discharge his duties as administrator as aforesaid, and to give to each of said haira the portion he is entitled to aa such, a sale of aaid negroes must necessarily be made as

Nicaise Genevieve-Ladner--Jean-Baptiste-Nicaise
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