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HI J\ I'clUoVe :»!] oh-tnietlon- «t|) the -ide op|M»-»t(*
rll. Im ;|« h ;Hn| ll'f’ -«» mildl tll» JV'»f »- -hall Lr»Vr a puMic -trect ofthe .sum- uniform width a- the r< *t > *f J lie front --tr*>* t ; /#/•■;»•/»/<</, that slid land -** * *<nt< mito be Used a- a ik w Poad a-.•!*Tc-aid,-hall l»c -ubjM’t to the -ame procei-dini:-directed in -ccfion J'» of thi- Art.
17.	/»« if furth* r t no>'fttl, ' 1'hat theass.r—
-* •!• .Hid collector -hall prrscTW in hi* nt!i«T all tin- record- and ppx'cedinir- had Il»«T<*in, and for hi- s.ivieo a-ta\-**oll«H tor In ‘•hall revive a rotmui.—u»fi «'f	« jm r rent, on all taxes actu-
allv coll« et-d liv him. to In- ntaim-d bv him monthly out of hi- collection*,and rejHirtc'l to th< -•»rrt tarv of the city ; he shall pay over all taxi-colh-ctcd to the city treasurer within thirty days alter tin* fir^t day of October in even* year, and monthly thereafter, am! at inch payment shall -wear tluit tin* muii |*iid over in money or warrant* i* all that he has collected to that time ; he shall make tv port to tin* secretary of the eitv within thirty day* after the first of Octolier and monthly thereafter, if he has not collected ans taws und shall make oath to such report; and if he shall not report to the secretary as aforesaid, and pay over to the city treasurer within ten day- after the thirty-first day of October, and of the la.-t day oi each mont!i thereafter, during the film-of collecting taxi’s, he shall I** snbjivt to a fin* not ex<t‘oding fifty dollars, but the s<vrctar\ after iioti<v to Mich <*ollector and continued failure by him to report and pay over a* al>ove pro-x ided, shall re)M>rt such failure to the board of mavor au<l aldermen, who shall re move nuth tav-collii-tor from nfliw in the mode and manner a> provhled for in this Act ; it shall In- the duty of #-aid tax-«*t»ll«*ctor to present his «ush book, which he i* hercbv required to keep, to the l>oard of mayor and aldermen when required, and uimn final -ettlenient with the sccretarv said lsM»k shall U pn*du<vd In forc said U»ard, and they shall endorse on it the fact and the«late of such presentation and that they have evamim'd the entries it contain- of jwiym. nt- mad* to the city trensur-er, and that -n* It entries arc «s»rrcet ; and such
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l»ook shall remain in the office of .-aid collector a* a ri'Oord «»f the otlice when he goes out of office, ami -aid asse*»-or and collector shall js-r-fbrni nil such other dutie- a* s^all he provide! by ortlinatwv.
4*. V*t it further mart,<i% That if shall Ik* the duty of the tn a.-uivr of the eitv to keep regular ucetumts of the reei'ipts aud exiH‘n<lituri «i of all funds of the city coming into his hands and all the funds or moneys due to it or from it ; lie »hal! receive and ki*ep the moneys of the eitv and disburse the -:une anr»*eably to the onler of the Iniani of mayor and aldermen ; he shall once in each mouth re|>ort to the lniurd the amounts of money r»*eci\cd and disbursed by him, and tin**** n*^x»rtM shall l»e in such form, embrace such details and made under such [Kwmlties a* may l>e pn»serilK*d by <»rdinanee, and shall when ap-
!>rov«*<l lx‘ enteretl on the minutes of thel>ourd; le shall, if n^mrod bv said board at the time of making Maid report, brinp all money* ln lon^in^ to the eitv tnwun1 to tlie board to be counted bv «aid Umrd ; ho shall faithfullv observe and discharge all the <luti«‘s that may fn>m time to time U» nnjuired of him by ordinance or order of the Iniard ; lit shall not iverivc any nionev on a4*<*ount of the city exwpt ou the receipt warrant of the secretary of the city, am! when any j*ivment shall In* made into the treasury in pursuance ot any receipt warrant issut^l by said MH'retary, the tn*asnr(‘r shall give to the ]mtsou making such jtnyiuent duplicate nxvipts, s|H^*ifying the warrant on which the payment i-inadc, one «’«>py of nhich i*hall 1m* Hh*i! with such secretary.
fcSw. 19. /»*• it fuiihtr enacted. That all indebt-e<ln<^« to witl city and td! ta\«*«, fine*, |H*naltie-and forfeiture# co|h*ctcd by the mayor or other officer tlnn^ f shall U*long to sciid eitv and shall l>e {ui.f bv such officcrv without delay into the treasury f*'r the nw of *aid city ; and if any Midi i»t!i«vfi» »ho shall ll»ve n»(*cived or Ixntnne liable for tl«p jaiynu ut of aov money' payabh* to the city trc&MMvr, shall not within ten days after having rveeiirwi the Vaiur «»r Incoming so liable, juiy the
How (un'U • lisbur-^U
Ki*tvij>l war* rant nccea* «arv.
Immediate return ot utonem ea* join<*u.

BSL 1880 To 1899 Laws-of-St-of-MS-1886-Chap-CCLXXIX-P425-459-(16)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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